Kaliceos (@kaliceos)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kaliceos


    Hi @stigolsen

    What you should try :
    (- read https://codex.bbpress.org/amending-bbpress-templates/ )
    – create a folder named “bbpress” in your theme’s folder
    – create a loop-forums.php file in it
    – copy+paste the content linked in loop-forums.php (click the third button just above the first line of code in pastebin.com, then use Ctrl+C to copy)
    – upload this new file in its new folder on your server

    That should be OK. Be careful when you update your theme, the loop-forums.php may be deleted.



    @palmdoc : You will not loose any discussion if you change the forum type to Category but the discussions won’t be shown anywhere as the topics don’t have any parent related. The best solution I can think of is to change the name of the forum that you would like to use as a category to something generic like ‘General’ and create a category that is a parent of ‘General’ and the other subforums you had previously.

    But as I check again the link to your website, I see that you’ve found a way to organize your forums 🙂



    @palmdoc : Hi, I don’t know the structure of your forums as the access is restricted, but do you use categories ? If not, try using them, it should structure your forums as you want. For example, if Dobbs General was a category, its subforums would be listed as forums on the main page.



    Thanks @inspirationnally for sharing your solution. Hope it will get fixed in a future release of the plugin, or in a future release of bbpress.



    In my test install with default theme, I don’t see any div in replies, only paragraphs. So I guess it’s true 😉

    In reply to: Bulk-move topics?



    There doesn’t seem to be an easy solution or plugin. But if you have some programming skills you may be able to do what you want : Custom bulk action



    I checked the code of this plugin and it uses a filter on bbp_has_forums that tries to catch the $args from the original query but they are not transmitted through the filter in bbPress, so it uses the default ones and doesn’t take care of the post_parent argument. You should try to contact the author of the plugin, maybe he can alter the query without parsing all args again. The Codex says it is possible with $query->set().



    Indeed, it looks like the new parent is not caught. It’s strange because in the code, the ID of the parent forum is correctly read as we can see in the <ul id="forums-list-17150" class="bbp-forums"> and is seen as a category. It seems like the post_parent argument is not used.

    Have you (or your theme creator) applied a filter to bbp_has_forums ?

    Can you check with an other theme ? (use https://wordpress.org/plugins/theme-test-drive/ if you don’t want to disturb your visitors)



    I don’t have any extra div in my content inside <div class="bbp-reply-content"> with normal filters.

    The divs are not added by the bbp_reply_content, they are in the template file. The way you changed the template file, there’s no more div between author and content.

    I think what may cause your issue are the paragraphs that are block elements. They are added by a filter but a lot of filters are used on bbp_reply_content and a lot of them are useful, you shouldn’t take all of them off. You can disable the one that adds the paragraphs by using this code in your functions.php :

    But keep in mind that you will not have any paragraph in your replies. You may want to make your own filter to edit only the first paragraph. Search the codex for the add_filter function and php doc for the preg_replace function.




    I needed something similar. So I did myself and published it a few days ago. Take a look at :

    Forums index in the same layout as other bb software



    As you can see on line 478 from the code you pasted, the <br /> is here, but I guess it’s not interpreted because it’s just at the end of the < li > element, which is displayed inline. These CSS properties are not easy to use. Maybe a plugin added a css that caused the issue.

    But your problem is solved, that’s the main thing 🙂



    I went to clan.wolflan.com and your source code looks like some paragraphs were added by your editor as I see some <p> and </p> in weird places. What software did you use to edit loop-single-forum.php or your functions.php ?

    I was not able to check because some of your forums are private, but what’s the html source code for the list of subforums ? (I mean in the browser) Is there a <br /> between the list of subforums ? Because, when I watch your screenshot, subforums are not separated by a comma, so I guess the function did his job, but your code may be broken because you used WordPress editor or an other editor that deleted the <br />.

    Anyway, in your case, the simplest solution may be using some CSS. And as you said, simple stuff first ! You wouldn’t need to change any php template. You may try something like that in your style.css or Custom CSS if you use Jetpack :

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li {
      display: block;

    If it works, I don’t know what was the problem with the bbp_list_forums() function, but you will not need to use it and you can delete the custom loop-single-forum.php that you copied to your theme’s directory if you had not made other edits.



    Normally, the main forum list is built using loop-single-forum.php but your theme may work in a different way. Can you put on pastebin.com your bbpress/loop-single-forum.php and bbpress/loop-forums.php from your theme or child-theme ?



    Don’t worry, it happened to me once, that’s how I discovered the existence of this menu ^^

    For the function, have you tried what I said a few posts before :

    Otherwise, you can edit (or create from /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/) your theme’s /bbpress/loop-single-forum.php and edit the bbp_list_forums() line 30 to bbp_list_forums(array (‘separator’ => ‘<br />’)). That should do the trick.

    That may work as it doesn’t require the use of bbp_parse_args() which seems to be the problem in your case.



    By the way, have you checked in Appearance > Menus, then just under the toolbar there’s a ‘Screen options’ menu where you can choose which post types appear ?



    I’m running latest releases of WordPress and bbPress, and I don’t have any problems neither with the custom function (placed in my theme’s functions.php) nor with the menus.
    Edit after your edit : I also have buddyPress installed

    What theme are you using ? The bbp_list_forums may be used in a different way in the theme where it doesn’t work.

    For the menus, I don’t know what could cause this issue, have you tried with an other theme ?

    If you want to rebuild your site, take a look at the Tools > Export and Tools > Import in your dahsboard, you’ll be able to transfer your forums, topics and posts.
    For users, it looks like the plugin AEIOU can do that. Otherwise, transferring the mysql tables (wp_users, wp_usermeta and if you use buddyPress wp_bp_xprofile_*) should work too.
    I guess you have to import users before forums, posts, and topics if you want to keep the author relation.



    I’m not good enough in PHP and wordpress filters to help you, but you should check the diff between 2.3 and 2.4 for the /includes/common/functions.php around line 1158. Some changes were made to the bbp_parse_args function.

    Otherwise, you can edit (or create) your theme’s bbpress/loop-single-forum.php and edit the bbp_list_forums() line 30 to bbp_list_forums(array (‘separator’ => ‘<br />’)). That should do the trick.



    @purelonewolf I think I managed to do what @adorward was asking. I don’t know how he did it, but here is how I did.

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