juampolo (@juampolo)

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  • @juampolo


    You men are incredible! Thanks for your efforts for helping people all over the country! I could fix all my problems because of you guys… thanks!

    Good Luck!



    Thanks a lot! Now its working excellent!

    But now i have another question… how can i edit some words like: “Maestro de las llaves”… ? in the .mo file so i can change some translation words?.

    What program should i use?

    Where i can find a guide so to do it?




    Bad news… the problem persist…

    its the same…

    In Ayudawordpress i have found just the .po file… but not the .mo…

    so maybe i really have to edit the .mo file… how can i do that? with what program could i edit it ? because notepad or dreamweaver is not reading it good!




    People!!! Thanks for the replys!

    @chrishajer: I have installed the latest stable version of bbPress: The “Brubeck” version

    @_ck_: I have rebuilded the .po file… (¿do i have to rebuild the .mo file too?…)

    I will try with the ayudawordpress.com´s translation… let me test it and i will talk again.


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