jtabrams (@jtabrams)

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  • @jtabrams


    Absolutely! Great to learn new things. I appreciate the time you put in!



    AH! I figured it out. Gosh, how simple.

    BBPress was overriding my search because, in the settings, the BBPress search slug was /search, and my search results slug is also /search. By changing the BBPress slug to something else, I was able to quickly and easily fix.

    Thanks for all your help! I guess now we know for future reference!



    The problem is that my search form is only returning a list of recent posts. It’s not including ANY forum information, and it’s not including any valid search results. Prior to installing BBPress, my search results were displayed on a formatted page that said “Search Results.” Now when you search, it’s saying “Latest Posts.” Somewhere with the installation, something is rerouting the code to pull from somewhere else.

    In my searchform.php the code is:

    <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="form-search <?php if (is_404() || !have_posts()) { ?> well <?php } ?>" action="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>">
      <label class="visuallyhidden" for="s"><?php _e('Search for:', 'roots'); ?></label>
      <input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" class="search-query" placeholder="<?php _e('Search', 'roots'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>">
      <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="<?php _e('Search', 'roots'); ?>" class="btn">



    We have a test site setup, but we pay a company a lot of money per hour to run diagnostics on larger problems. I’m trying to get to the bottom of this problem using your support before I turn it over to them.

    “you say ‘our site continues to use the search functions that we setup. ‘ have you some special search function, or how is your search working?”
    – Nothing special, just that our search function calls our own loop-search.php file and search.php file and the loop-search.php file in the plugin seems to be overriding the loop-search.php file in our theme file.



    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for the feedback, but unfortunately, our site is so large and widely used that disabling plugins and/or switching themes is not a viable option for us.

    Is there any way to alter any of the bbpress files to disable search completely or remove it? It seems that part of the problem is that my theme calls a certain search file which is being overridden by the bbpress search file. But when I try to edit your file in my ftp, it won’t let me…



    Hi Robin,

    I tried inputting Hello, and received an unformatted list of our latest posts (labeled “Latest Posts”).

    I tried putting MBA, a term that would normally turn up pages of results, and again received an unformatted list of our latest posts.

    I tried searching names of faculty/staff members tagged in our directories and posts, and again received an unformatted list of our latest posts.

    I’ve attempted to include a screenshot to show you, but my reply does not go through. I’m hoping that you’ll be able to recreate this issue so we are both seeing the same thing!



    Hi Robin,

    I’ve been trying to post this reply since last week and for whatever reason it hasn’t been working. So, sorry if you’ve been receiving all of them…

    When I go to our site, after I’ve cleared all the caches, etc, in multiple browsers, and I see an unformatted listing of our 10 latest posts. I cannot include a screenshot-that is what has been keeping my replies from going through.

    I’ve been using common search terms that would return search on our site, MBA, Daniels, Master’s Degrees, etc.

    Instead, all I see is an unformatted page that has “Latest Posts” listed. Even if the search didn’t turn up results, it should still have a formatted page saying No search results.

    I’m hoping you’re able to recreate this. Thanks for you help!




    Hi Robin,

    I’ve been trying to post this reply since yesterday and for whatever reason it hasn’t been working. So, sorry if you’ve been receiving all of them…

    When I go to our site, after I’ve cleared all the caches, etc, in multiple browsers, this is what I see:

    I’ve been using common search terms that would return search on our site, MBA, Daniels, Master’s Degrees, etc.

    Instead, all I see is an unformatted page that has “Latest Posts” listed. Even if the search didn’t turn up results, it should still have a formatted page saying No search results.

    I’m hoping you’re able to recreate this. Thanks for you help!




    When I type in anything in the search, I receive a list of ‘latest posts’ (see screen shot). I typed in MBA, which for us, a business school, is something that usually turns up many posts. Not only does it pull a ‘latest posts’ page, it’s also unformatted.



    I cleared all my caches and went to the site and tested the search for hello. It is only turning up “Latest Posts.” I’ve tried this in a few different broswers, logged in and logged out of WordPress…

    The screen shot is what I’m seeing. http://awesomescreenshot.com/05430dw20f



    Its’s with everything I type. I tried typing in Hello, hello, on the homepage search box and go this:

    It says Latest posts and gives the most recent posts we have and isn’t formatted. I tried clearing my caches and the problem still exists.



    Ok, again, never mind. After giving my site some time to clear it’s cache, the problem is back.

    Please advise on how to remove the search functionality from the bbpress plugin so that my regular search works on my website, http://daniels.du.edu.

    Currently, any search simply returns the most recent posts in an unformatted template.



    Actually, I may have just solved this myself. I unchecked the search function in the plugin’s settings, then deactivated the plugin, reactivated, cleared the caches and voila, everything is back to normal!

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