jrv123 (@jrv123)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jrv123


    When i look at the corresponding file, “reply.js” (the un-minified version of ‘reply.min.js’), it’s not obvious to me that changing the value of d.scrollHeight to ’64’ will change the creation of the meta rows.

    I will take a look at your suggested change this week.



    replace bbpress 2.6.3 with bbpress 2.5.14.

    Create a topic, then create a series of semi-random reply-to-reply, and look at the hierarchy that is displayed.

    Change to bbpress 2.6.3, and try the same thing. Create a topic, then create a random series of reply-to-reply, and some of the reply-to-reply end up being interpreted as reply-to-topic.

    the other thing i’ve noticed, bbp_insert_reply() is no longer being called.
    In bbpress/includes/replies/functions.php, put exit(-1); at the topic the bbp_insert_reply() function, and you will notice that the function is NEVER called.



    Try a permanent fix to the code…
    Make the fix to line #18 of reply.js (see https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/threaded-replies-not-working/)
    All of a sudden, creating replies to replies started adding ‘_bbp_reply_to’ items to the ‘postmeta’ table, where that key has the value of the row to which the reply is being created.
    Nested/indented replies suddenly started doing their thing; i.e., indenting to the level of reply-to-reply they are.



    As near as i can tell, no matter whether a reply or the original topic is chosen for the parent of the reply, exactly three meta rows are created in “postmeta” table.

    _bbp_forum_id, which is always the row of the parent forum
    _bbp_topic_id, which is always the row of the parent topic (never the row of the reply), and
    _bbp_author_id, which is the ipAddress which created the reply.

    _bbp_topic_id always equals the post_parent column of the topic row.

    So it seems there is never any ‘hierarchical reply’ information placed into the post meta table; i.e., everything is always a reply to the main topic – so what’s the point of have “nested replies” or “threaded replies”, depending upon one’s nomenclature.



    I have tried a half dozen different themes, and the ‘create new forum’ is covered by the ‘add media’ tab in most of them. Something seriously wrong has changed since 2.5.14…



    Specifically I am looking for some theme that works like is documented here: https://codex.bbpress.org/features/reply-threading/



    Where may I find documentation about the meta data (postmeta) for configuring ‘nested replies’ or ‘threaded replies’?

    I am trying to import several hundred thousand messages from a soon-to-die YahooGroup; with some of the ‘threaded replies’ nesting as deep as 15 levels from the original topic.

    In the YahooGroup archive, some messages ‘copy’ the parent message into the body of the reply, but in others, the author of the reply did NOT include the body of the parent, so it becomes necessary to place the ‘reply’ close to, or under or near, the parent to which the reply belongs.



    > So when you say they aren’t working, are they really not working
    > visually, or are they not working the way you expected them to?
    They are not working visually, nor the way i would expect them to
    work; but my expectations are not what matters here.

    Can you suggest a particular theme to use? I ask because I found the
    ‘Basic’ theme (one of several themes with the word ‘basic’ in its
    title), has a horizontal menubar at the top of each reply, that
    supposedly allows for creation of ‘replies-to’ each of the listed
    replies for a topic. But I’ve never seen any visual indication of
    a ‘reply hierarchy’ when using ANY theme, and I have a YahooGroup
    that I am moving to a bbPress site, and the hierarchy to the replies
    is very important to understanding the flow of messages.

    Thank you,



    Nope. I did a virgin install to prove to myself that it was something about the bbPress plugin.

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