jarledb (@jarledb)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jarledb


    That is brilliant, thank you! Fixed my problems with the permalink!



    Had high hopes that your fix would fix what I am seeing:

    I can see posts perfectly well, but the permalinks for /topics/ /formums/ etc. is returning what looks like Archive/Search result pages – so not anything to do with bbPress.

    I have made sure to empty out cache, and I have also tried to re-save the permalink settings – but nothing seems to work.

    Any help to fix the issue would be greatly appreciated. Using Genesis Framework and Altitude Pro Theme



    @john james jacoby – Thank you for a throughout explenation and update.

    I am using template integration mode (so no actual templates for the theme I am using, although I am trying to push Woothemes to make child themes for bbPress ;)

    I might end up copying the files over and integrating it myself, especially if that is the only (and easiest) way to get all functionality over.

    It seems to me that even with the Twentyten theme the first page for the forum does not include things like login, register and search. Which seems a bit odd to me. Is it supposed to be like that?

    I am not using WordPress multisite, are there plugins you would recommend looking at for ip-banning and anti-spam features that will work with bbPress? Or can I just forget about that for a while until bbPress is released as a stable version?



    @john james jacoby – Thank you for a throughout explenation and update.

    I am using template integration mode (so no actual templates for the theme I am using, although I am trying to push Woothemes to make child themes for bbPress ;)

    I might end up copying the files over and integrating it myself, especially if that is the only (and easiest) way to get all functionality over.

    It seems to me that even with the Twentyten theme the first page for the forum does not include things like login, register and search. Which seems a bit odd to me. Is it supposed to be like that?

    I am not using WordPress multisite, are there plugins you would recommend looking at for ip-banning and anti-spam features that will work with bbPress? Or can I just forget about that for a while until bbPress is released as a stable version?



    Hope someone can help me out here :) Feeling pretty stuck



    Hope someone can help me out here :) Feeling pretty stuck



    Feel free to delete any surplus entries. I feel like I am taking over the thread.

    I figured out the language file had to be put in wp-contents/languages/bbpress/ catalog to work (and with the naming bbpress-nb_NO.mo for norwegian). Now I just have to get poedit to co-operate.

    Are there any other tools/plugins that you recommend to do translations? What would be a good tool to work with the .POT file that is included with the plugin?

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