jappan (@jappan)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jappan

    add_filter('bp_email_use_wp_mail', function () {
        return true;

    you should add this code in function.php


    add_filter( 'bbp_get_form_reply_content', function( string $reply_content ) {
        if ( isset( $_GET['bbp_reply_to'] ) && (int) $_GET['bbp_reply_to'] ) {
            $display_name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', get_post_field( 'post_author', (int) $_GET['bbp_reply_to'] ) );
            return '@' . $display_name . PHP_EOL . $reply_content;
    	return $reply_content;

    You should add this code in “functions.php”.



    so I expect that it will be necessary to add “http://tokyolyric.com/wp-content/uploads/〇〇” url.



    I want to display the image file arbitrarily uploaded by the the poster on the topic screen in the bulletin board part of this site.




    I’m sorry to ask you many questions.

    I asked a question before, but I haven’t solved it yet.
    so I really need a code to solve it.

    I want to add “http://www.example.com/wp-content/uploads/○○” to the image.

    This is the code I made from Mr.Robin, but i haven’t been able to add the url to the image and display it yet.

    I’ve been studying for 2 days, and expecting that using <?php $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); ?>will come closer to solution, but…

    add_action ( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_form_content', 'bbp_extra_fields');
    function bbp_extra_fields() {
    $value11 = get_post_meta( bbp_get_topic_id(), 'bbp_extra_field2', true);
       echo '<label for="bbp_extra_field2">pic</label><br>';
       echo "<input type='file' name='bbp_extra_field2'  accept='.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif'  value='".$value11."'>";
    add_action ( 'bbp_new_topic', 'bbp_save_extra_fields', 10, 1 );
    add_action ( 'bbp_edit_topic', 'bbp_save_extra_fields', 10, 1 );
    function bbp_save_extra_fields($topic_id=0) {
    	if (isset($_POST) && $_POST['bbp_extra_field2']!='')
        update_post_meta( $topic_id, 'bbp_extra_field2',$_POST['bbp_extra_field2'] );
    add_action('bbp_template_before_replies_loop', 'bbp_show_extra_fields');
    function bbp_show_extra_fields() {
      $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id();
      $value2 = get_post_meta( $topic_id, 'bbp_extra_field2', true);
      $img = '<img src=".$value2.">' ;
     echo "pic: ".$value2."<br>";
     echo "picture:".$img."<br>";	



    Could you please give me the proper code? I really appreciate it.



    I understand that there was a problem with the file I uploaded…
    So, I have to convert the arbitrarily uploaded file to a URL.
    Or I have to upload the image to the server once,right?



    Thank you as always. Mr Robin.
    I tried the code but it didn’t work.
    so i would like to know again.

    I have set up a third field for clarity.
    ↓this is my code↓

    add_action ( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_form_content', 'bbp_extra_fields');
    function bbp_extra_fields() {
       $value = get_post_meta( bbp_get_topic_id(), 'bbp_extra_field1', true);
       echo '<label for="bbp_extra_field1">URL</label><br>';
       echo "<input type='url' name='bbp_extra_field1' value='".$value."'>";
       $value11 = get_post_meta( bbp_get_topic_id(), 'bbp_extra_field2', true);
       echo '<label for="bbp_extra_field2">pic</label><br>';
       echo "<input type='file' name='bbp_extra_field2'  value='".$value11."'>";
    add_action ( 'bbp_new_topic', 'bbp_save_extra_fields', 10, 1 );
    add_action ( 'bbp_edit_topic', 'bbp_save_extra_fields', 10, 1 );
    function bbp_save_extra_fields($topic_id=0) {
      if (isset($_POST) && $_POST['bbp_extra_field1']!='')
        update_post_meta( $topic_id, 'bbp_extra_field1', $_POST['bbp_extra_field1'] );
      if (isset($_POST) && $_POST['bbp_extra_field2']!='')
        update_post_meta( $topic_id, 'bbp_extra_field2', $_POST['bbp_extra_field2'] );
    add_action('bbp_template_before_replies_loop', 'bbp_show_extra_fields');
    function bbp_show_extra_fields() {
      $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id();
      $value1 = get_post_meta( $topic_id, 'bbp_extra_field1', true);
      $value2 = get_post_meta( $topic_id, 'bbp_extra_field2', true);
      $img1 = '<img src="'.$value2.'">' ;
      echo "Field 1: ".$value1."<br>";
       echo "Field 2: ".$value2."<br>";
    	echo "Field 3: ".$img1."<br>";	



    Ok! Mr.Robin
    This is my code

    <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="ja"><head><div class="login-box">
    <?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
     <a href="<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain(); ?>
    "><?php bp_loggedin_user_avatar( 'type=thumb&width=40&height=40' ); ?></a><?php global $user_identity; echo $user_identity; ?>
    <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url( bp_get_root_domain() ) ?>">logout</a>
    <?php else : ?><a href="http://localhost/wp01/wp-login-php">login</a><?php endif; ?></div></head>



    I achievement this php problems! THX!



    I plan to use CSS to manage the placement.



    The profile above is from the login-widget, and the profile below is from my php code.
    However, it doesn’t not have a link to the user’s profile.

    I would like to add a link to the profile screen in the image and username like above one!!!

    please teach me…
    i’m sorry for the inconvenience



    Thank you Mr.Robin!!!
    I tried using PHP code to put this button in place.
    ↓Here is the code↓

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="ja">
    <div class="login-box">
    <?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
        <?php bp_loggedin_user_avatar( 'type=thumb&width=40&height=40' ); ?>
    <?php global $user_identity; echo $user_identity; ?>
    	<a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url( bp_get_root_domain() ) ?>">ログアウト</a>
    <?php else : ?>
    	<a href="https://tokyolyric.com/wp-login-php">ログイン</a>
    <?php endif; ?>

    but I can’t go to “user’s profile page” from “the user’s image” and “user name”.

    please let me know if there is any description to add to the code!!!

    This is my website URL



    i’m making a website for programming learning, so i’d like to know the answer…



    i want to set bottun like thisi want to set button like tis

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