jamescarson1 (@jamescarson1)

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  • @jamescarson1


    Jaredatch, this is gold. And it will be appreciated by many people I imagine. This should be reposted as a sticky or similar until it’s added to the plugins page or to the next bbpress update?

    By the way I just tested the code and it’s working great. It’s missing a closing ?> tag.




    Thanks Jaredatch and carminka,

    You are addressing a similar thread which I just posted on. I’m cross-posting this

    carminka because it could be useful for you:

    Incorporating bbPress theme files, into a pre-existing theme.

    jaredatch I haven’t had luck with overriding it in my theme’s css unless I use !important.

    To ask the same question that I asked there, is there a way to get bbpress to use a bbpress.css in the theme folder instead of the plugin folder?

    Really love bbpress… thanks



    Sorry for the double post….

    Or should we just use !important in our master css files?



    right… thanks for the response.

    I’m not having problems with any of the above, although in my case i’m only adding bbpress.php to my theme folder.

    the question i have is with the bbpress.css. Paul made a duplicate of bbpress.css plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/bbpress.

    Obviously that’s going to get zapped on an update of the plugin. Thats why Paul recommended creating something similar to a child theme–turning bbpress.css into bbpress_master.css then putting just his tweaked css in bbpress.css.

    This lets him have a dedicated small css file, bbpress.css to retain during an update, but unfortunately he’ll have to back it up himself.

    So, my question is there some provision for the bbpress.css being read in the same way that bbpress.php is read in a theme folder? Or is there a better way to handle css modifcations? Maybe I am missing something.

    Thanks again,



    Is the process that Paul outlined the best option at this time for modifying CSS, or is there some special mojo to get css working in a custom theme folder by copying or creating a bbpress.css etc.?

    many thanks for laying the foundation of a nice new lightweight forum!

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