jackey (@jackey)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jackey


    O.K. that works equally well, and less intrusive… Thanks.

    I stopped programming about 30 years ago, but is this kind of patching common practice?

    I suspect that this patch will haunt back on me one day.

    Don’t misunderstand… I’m happy with the fix, but isn’t there something wrong in the core?

    And functions with “magic” in their name give me the creeps. ;-)

    Thanks again!



    O.K. Andrew fixed things for the iBlogProForum, but the backslashed where still popping up in the backend. Andrew then suggested to change the PHP setting magic_quotes_gpc to on . And this worked for most of the backend. (Strangly enough for all plugins, but not the “signature” plugin, this one went from \\’ to just one ‘.)

    However I stumbled over a warning of PHP.net.

    “/This feature has been /DEPRECATED/ as of PHP 5.3.0 and /REMOVED/ as of PHP 6.0.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged./”

    So I’m afraid this is a temporary fix.

    For now I’m content. And running a fully integrated forum at: http://golfclub-stippelberg.nl/forums/ ;-)




    For now this fixes things indeed, however a warning from PHP.net:

    “/This feature has been /DEPRECATED/ as of PHP 5.3.0 and /REMOVED/ as of PHP 6.0.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged./”

    Putting “php_value magic_quotes_gpc 1” in my .htaccess file worked for me… for now.

    Also added: “error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED );” to my bb-config.php



    You’re probably right, and it is all related as well. Andrew Powers reported me he fixed things in his “iBlogPro Forum” theme. I’m waiting for his update.

    Thanks for the help! Will report back.




    @buddha trance – I suspect is is theme related but it is infectueus. The other themes, even the backend seems to be infected with the \\\

    It must be something tot that obvious… I suspect it all started when I installed the iBlogPro Forum that demanded ‘deep’ integration with WP.

    Checked out the demo forum of ‘iBlogPro Forum’ and noticed it suffered the same problem with the backslashes.

    Re-installing bbPress made no difference.



    Tried re-installing it after an update to iBlogForum 1.02.

    But still the same. When I click to add a poll, nothing happens.

    When I try to alter the Polls’ configuration or reset it to default, it wipes my iBlogForum configuration.

    Another strange behaviour that I do not know if it is related… everywhere were I enter quotes, bbPress changes this to ‘ time over time so after a few edits you end up with \\\\\’



    I have also issues with BBPress Polls. The plugin activates, and shows in the interface, but does not react. Re-installes several times. But no results.

    Tried to alter the settings, and it wiped out all settings of my iBlogPro Forum Theme.

    This behavior is reproducible (and a real pain).

    FYI I’m a newby to bbPress…

    Any advice welcome.

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