Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMU
John, first please enjoy your vacation. As to your question, yes I do use ‘deep integration’. I have deleted the 3 groups I had that would not allow the recreation of the forums via the toggling of the ‘Enable discussion forum’ option. That was my only remaining problem. I was able to recreate the groups from scratch and transferred the topics and posting db entries from my backup. Everything is now working
I did a quick search through the BuddyPress forums about the issue you mention but have not found it. I will do it again over the weekend. Should I find it I will try any suggested fix by setting up another copy my setup (code and database) saved this morning before I deleted the problem group forums. I have a spare domain I can use just for that purpose. Should you find it please feel free to post the URL here.
Thanks again for all your help, hopefully I can help you with identifying the issue you referring to for your screen casts.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMU@chrishajer, not sure where the original instruction about the need for ‘$bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; ‘ came from, besides seeing it referenced in all BB and ppB integration instructions, I came across it first on the site’s ‘Installing and setting up bp-forums’ article (step 11). The URL is <>.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUJohn, XML-RPC is (was) turned on in both WPMU/BP and bbP. Also ‘$bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;’ is (and always was) at the end of the bb-config file just before the closing PHP statement. I even check again that XML-RPC was working properly via Burt’s XML-RPC-sayhello plugin.
Sam, taking your note ‘about re-applying the role map does not change the roles users already have’, I applied John’s suggestion to ‘purge the bb_capabilities and apply the role map once everything is lined up’.
The end result is the same, user switching works, admin has the correct bb_capabilities in the wp_usermeta table (no need this time for manual correction), and all users can create new groups with forums, add topics and relies to all discussions. The ONLY thing still not working is the recreation (activation) of old exiting groups with forums that exited before upgrading from BP 1.0 to 1,0,1 and bbP 1.0-Alpha-6 to 1.0-RC2.
I guess I have to delete them and create them as new groups. I should be able to export the topics and replies first and import them after the creation, unless one of you has another suggestion. Regardless, thanks to both of you for all the help so far.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUJohn, Yes, I did so (refreshing the User Role map), especially when I detected that the bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta table related to the user capabilities were ‘a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}’. It did not make a difference. I had to do it manually changing user id’s role to ‘keymaster’.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUJohn,
I took a look at the bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta table and noticed that all entries related to the user capabilities were ‘a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}’. This is rather odd since user id 1 is the admin and that should be listed as KEY MASTER. SO, looking at a old data base backup of my last working version showed the entry as ‘a:2:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;s:8:”throttle”;b:1;}’. So I changed it to that value for id ‘1’.
The result, everything seems to work, user integration, creation of NEW groups and forums, entering topics and replies on BOTH sites. The ONLY thing that is not working is the reactivation of my existing group discussions by toggling the ‘Enable discussion forum’ option in the group admin pane. I will stop here for today. Maybe you have a suggestion tomorrow.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUJohn,
I came across your other posting ‘Integrating WPMU trunk and bbPress RC2’ and added the following to bb-press.php:
// (Sam, I can see you shaking your head right now)
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') & !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') & !defined('BB_IS_ADMIN')) {
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
include_once( '/absolute/path/to/' );
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
header("Status: 200 All rosy") ;
// WordPress database integration speedup
$bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
$bb->wordpress_mu_primary_blog_id = 1;
$bb->user_bbdb_name = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_user = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_password = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_host = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_charset = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_collate = '';
$bb->custom_user_table = '';
$bb->custom_user_meta_table = '';
// WordPress cookie integration speedup
$bb->wp_siteurl = ''; // no trailing slash
$bb->wp_home = ''; // no trailing slash
$bb->cookiedomain = '';
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
$bb->authcookie = 'wordpress_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
$bb->secure_auth_cookie = 'wordpress_sec_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
$bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
$bb->admin_cookie_path = '/SUB-DIRECTORY/bb-admin';
$bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = '/MY-SUB-DIRECTORY/bb-plugins';
$bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = '/MY-SUB-DIRECTORY/my-plugins';
$bb->sitecookiepath = '';
$bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = '/wp-admin';
$bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = '/wp-content/plugins';
define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);The result being the user integration is working, HOWEVER admin no longer is recognized as ‘KEY MASTER’ nor does it know about my second bbPress user I created as administrator to be used as the user in WPMU’s Forum integration. Using the admin as that user did not solve the problem either of being able post or create topics/groups. It seems that I either get partial data integration or user integration but not both. What a mess.
BTW, I have working without any problem WPMU 2.7.1 and BudyPress 1.0.1. Trying to integrate bbPress 1.0-RC2. I had originally working WPMU 2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0 and bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6. I should have left things alone.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUJohn, this were I ended up:
1. Log in as admin to bbPress and went to admin->settings
2. Enabled ‘bbPress XML-RPC publishing protocol’ in the ‘Writing pane’
3. In the ‘WordPress Integration’ pane set WordPress Administrator’ to ‘bbPress Key Master’ role. All others to ‘bbPress meber’ and saved the User Role map.
4. added:
define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);
define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);
define(‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘e6bd245d6e82566f2fdcff73419dd3da’ );
to both wp-config and bb-config files
5. Copied the 7 unique authentification keys from the wp-config file to the bb-config file adding ‘BB_’ in from of each variable name.
6. Added to the end of the bb-config file, just be the closing php code:
$bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;
Saved bb-config.sys
7. Moved buddypress-enable.php file to the my-plugins folder under the forums folder and activated it.
8. In the WPMU admin pane selected the BuddyPress->Forums Setup and enter the forum URL, as well as the WPPU admin name and password.
9. Logout of BuddyPress and bbPress. Logged in to BuddyPress, changed URL to forum, needed to log in, however changing back and forth between the two now needs no further logging in.
10. Created a new group on the Buddypress site with ‘Enable discussion forum’ selected. Forum is created and visible on the bbPress site.
11. Enter a topic and comment, bot show up on both sites.
END of good news. Here is what is not working:
1. No user integration, only admin works, any other WPMU user is not recognized on the bbPress site.
2. Existing group’s discussion are not creating forums when toggling the ‘Enable discussion forum’ option.
3. Only admin can create topics and comments within the group forums (due to problem #1).
I have done this now 3 times over, reinstalling bbPress (deleting the forum folder, the bb_ tables and bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta) and following the steps above which is a combination of your ‘Forum Integration: Helpful Hints’ posting and the added steps regarding the cookie integration posted on ‘The Easy Button’ and the ‘UMW Wiki’.
I not sure what to do next to get this right
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUTHANK! That did the trick
Will let you know how the rest of the integration goes.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMU@johnjamesjacoby, thanks for yoyr quick response and offer to help. I found the following bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta table:
umeta_id user_id meta_key meta_value
14 1 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
16 0 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
24 2 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
55 3 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
75 4 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
102 5 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
112 1 bb_topics_replied 1
17 1 bb_user_settings m0=o&m1=o
18 1 bb_user_settings_time 1243961396The only odd entry may be the one for user id ‘0’ since there is no entry for that user id in the wp-users table.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMU@johnjamesjacoby, I have the same setup and problem as hempsworth. I have repeated the install process now 10 times, same error. I deleted the forum folder (bbpress) deleted the database tables and deleted the cookies. I even tried a different user name instead of ‘admin’, same error. And just for fun I also used a different browser, same error