Dan (@hypnoticdan)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @hypnoticdan


    months later i fixed the problem. I had a 404-to-301 redirect plugin that was mistakenly breaking most users pages. Added an exception for /forums/users/* and now it’s all better!



    @shoelje this worked great for me. Thank you!
    I made a few small tweaks that will make the next person’s set that much easier.

    include "../wp-config.php";
      // If all else fails, use this url.
      $defaulturl = "http://your_domain_goes_here/forums/";
      // Build the query according to url parameters p or t.
      $query = '';
      if (!empty($_GET['p'])) {
          $query = "SELECT {$table_prefix}posts.guid FROM {$table_prefix}postmeta
                    INNER JOIN {$table_prefix}posts ON {$table_prefix}posts.ID = {$table_prefix}postmeta.post_id
                    WHERE {$table_prefix}postmeta.meta_key = '_bbp_old_reply_id'
                    AND {$table_prefix}postmeta.meta_value = '" . $_GET['p'] . "';";
      }else if (!empty($_GET['t'])) {
          $query = "SELECT {$table_prefix}posts.guid FROM {$table_prefix}postmeta
                    INNER JOIN {$table_prefix}posts ON {$table_prefix}posts.ID = {$table_prefix}postmeta.post_id
                    WHERE {$table_prefix}postmeta.meta_key = '_bbp_old_topic_id'
                    AND {$table_prefix}postmeta.meta_value = '" . $_GET['t'] . "';";
      // Set the new url to the default url
      $url = $defaulturl;
      // Check if we need to make a database connection.
      if (!empty($query)) {
        //echo "connecting...<br>";
        // Make a connection
        $mysqli = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) or die("mysqli connect error: "+mysqli_connect_error());
        // Check the connection.
        if (!mysqli_connect_errno()) {
          // Run the query.
          //echo $query."<br>";
          $result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$query) or die("mysqli query error: ".mysql_error($mysqli));
          // Get the new URL.
          if ($result) {
            $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
            $guid = trim($row["guid"]);
            if (!empty($guid)) {
              $url = $guid;
          // Free the result set.
          // Close the connection.
      // Write the header.
      header("Location: " . $url, true, 301);




    Is there a “reply by email” plugin to enhance bbPress?
    When I receive a notice someone has posted to a thread I’m watching, I want to reply via email and have it post onto the thread in the forum. Increasing engagement is ++good.

    I’ve read the Falcon README and I don’t grok how to install it.




    I’m interested in this feature for a company support forum. I’d like to use the email “xref” header to indicate the post in the email. Then my webserver would

    – read a dedicated forum inbox for unread mail
    – find the xref
    – find the reply
    – use the sender’s email to find the user id
    – use the data collected to post to the thread
    – delete from the inbox or mark as read (admin setting)

    It would not require the added complexity of a 3rd party. It might use a cron job and curl to poke the inbox.

    Is that crazy talk? Basically I want github-level easy replies.

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