HW (@hannahmwool)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @hannahmwool


    I actually just fixed my issue. It was an ExpiresByType line in .htaccess that was set to 1 month for text/html. I changed it to the below and it is now fixed.

    ExpiresByType text/html “access plus 0 seconds”



    Thanks, Robin. It appears that the Search Everything plugin was causing the bbPress database error also. I’ve removed that plugin now so no longer require that fix (for now). 🙂

    My main issue with the forum page not showing the WordPress admin bar when logged in until you refresh the page is still happening with every plugin disabled.



    Update: I used Query Monitor to get a better/nicer view of the database error. It appears there is some blank part “…AND ((())) AND…” see here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvrwhd5druvykus/Screen%20Shot%202017-04-04%20at%202.29.01%20PM.png?dl=0

    I resolved the topics and replies not displaying by using the wp4fix plugin here: http://www.rewweb.co.uk/bbpress-wp4-fix/ that had the issues with the search string. That was conflicting with Search Everything.




    I’m using my own custom theme so a child theme is not necessary. I got it to work by putting it into my functions.



    Hi Robin

    Thank you for the functions code you provided to create a custom role. I’ve implemented this and can see it and change the user to the new role – however it doesn’t save it so if i navigate away from the user page and go back it hasn’t kept the role it just defaults back to nothing until i post and then it puts me on participant (which I have enabled to set automatically for new posters). Would you know why that is happening?

    My initial setup was a template file called forum.php which bbpress automatically picked up as my forum page – I didn’t use override of existing bbpress templates within my theme, however when I made the bbpress-functions.php in my theme folder it made the forum stop using the bbpress styles (not sure why) – so i tried adding the overrides for bbpress in my theme folder and that made it not render any html at all just blank body – I’ve ended up copying the stylesheet to my theme folder and naming it something else.

    I’m looking for a user role half way between a participant and a moderator (I’ve called it a Junior Moderator) where they can moderate and flag things and get in touch with users who flagged inappropriate posts and inform them of the actions as well as receive emails or notifications from users flagging the inappropriate content- but they can’t delete or edit other people’s topics, replies and can’t delete forums or add new ones.

    Any help would be appreciated!


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