Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Working rating/vote up feature for bbpress
I just made one, check it out !
Allow users to vote up or down to topics and replies inside bbPress, just like you can on StackOverflow for example.
In reply to: Add custom fields to new topic form?i’m interested too !
In reply to: Closed registrationsI have
My bbpress is at
but I use a subdomain which redirects on it.
I put an .htaccess file inside /bbpress with this content
Redirect 301 /register.php
Redirect 301 /bb-reset-password.php
But it does nothing. Chmodd is 755.
I try too with
Redirect 301 /bbpress/...
Redirect 301
(no start slashes)and it does not work either.
Any idea ?
Thanks !
Any idea ?
In reply to: WP registered users inactive in bbPressGot this problem too and it doesn”t change anything when I re save the role map…
With #1.0.2.
In reply to: Shares Roles with WordPress [Role Manager]I thinking to start developping a plugin.
I’m not a real coder but i’ll try.
Anyway, I think the problem is that bbpress uses names and not levels (like wordpress) for roles, so it will be hard to do, no ?
If you have ideas, if you want to help me, please feed this threat !