Shawn Maddock (@flutedrumr)

Forum Replies Created

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  • Shawn Maddock


    In one post someone mentioned that the 8.1-1 plugin was supposed to fix this refresh issue, although I don’t see it mentioned in the plugin’s thread. Is that true? I have the plug in installed to no avail…

    Shawn Maddock


    This almost seems like a server-side cache issue. I’m having the same problem when adding a topic… the topic posts, but when I go back to the forum and/or the front page (using the link, not the back button) it doesn’t show up until I hit refresh. cache in both WP and bbP is disabled, and I don’t have this problem on another (identical) server running bbP w/out WP.

    Shawn Maddock


    Okay, more info:

    • In Firefox, when I log into bbPress, I am logged in, but the log in form does not auto refresh to “Welcome, username! View your profile…” Same problem when I log out, it does not refresh to “Register or login…”

    • In Safari and IE 7, it does refresh when logging into bbPress, but not when logging out.

    • In any browser, it does not refresh when logging into WordPress, but does when logging out.

    • In all instances if I hit refresh/reload, it displays the correct message.

    • Cookie integration between WordPress and bbPress is otherwise successful, once I’m logged into one, I’m logged into both, and vice-versa.

    • Identical problems on multiple computers/ users.

    Shawn Maddock


    I’m starting to wonder if my problem is different, as it is also occurring with a WordPress install on the same server. WordPress was fine until I did a clean install with WP/BB in the same database. I’m guessing it’s a cookie issue? An identical bbPress install on a different server works fine, reset FF, etc.

    Shawn Maddock


    Also having the same problem: attempt to log in in FF2.0, appears that I’m not, although when I hit refresh I am logged in. Other FF2.0 users having the same problem.

    In reply to: post count – 1

    Shawn Maddock


    Whoops, I should have specified that the code I posted replaced ear1grey’s. If you keep both then there are two filters being added to your “get_topic_posts”, which would cause the -1’s you’ve been seeing. Sorry ’bout that!

    In reply to: post count – 1

    Shawn Maddock


    That happened on one of mine; when I reset the counts (Admin->Site Management) it fixed it.

    Shawn Maddock


    adergaard, first of all, thanks for the suggestions. I think we’re talking about three different things. nolageek wanted a list of most recent registrations (similar to what shows on the dashboard, I assume, with less info); I was looking for a sortable list of all registered users, and the suggestions you posted would be a recent activity or “currently online”. Now that you mention it, though, I think I may add your ideas too. :-)

    Shawn Maddock


    I was also looking for a user list, more for the purposes of a user directory. If no one else has had a go at this, I’ll mess around with it more this afternoon and let you know what I can hack together.

    In reply to: post count – 1

    Shawn Maddock


    Thanks mate; that worked awesome! I added a second function so the forum count was corrected also:


    function bb_decrement_topic( $value ) {

    return $value-1;


    function bb_decrement_forum( $value ) {

    global $forum;

    return $value-get_forum_topics();


    add_filter( 'get_topic_posts', 'bb_decrement_topic', 1);

    add_filter( 'get_forum_posts', 'bb_decrement_forum', 1);


    I also had to change line 699 in template-functions.php to:

    $posts = sprintf('%1$s %2$s', $post_num, __ngettext( 'reply', 'replies', $post_num ));

    If anyone has a suggestion for doing this in the plugin instead of modifying the core, let me know.

    In reply to: Private forum?

    Shawn Maddock


    ditto… hopefully forum specific, with a “select/apply to all” to make the whole board private.

    Shawn Maddock


    I second this one… the “you must login or register to post” is a huge psychological barrier to participating.

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