I just did a conversion and all went quite well. @landshark: all external images (linked within posts) are showing up here, so that seems to work.
I wonder if there is any way to convert/transfer the attachments so that they will work as well?
These plugins are all 100% commercial with no free option. Yes, there is a free ‘demo’to see what will happen during conversion, but nothing can be done witrhout paying. These should be removed and banned untul there is a true free GPL version available.
Ah, that might be it, thanks. I had only checked the bbpress repository 
Is this needed/required for the dreaded WPMU/BP/BBpress integration as well?
Hi, new here and looking to add bbpress to WPMU.
I searched the plugins for ‘WPMU’ and for ‘Integration’ but could not find the plugin mentioned? What is teh name and where can it be found?