eVersatile (@eversatile)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @eversatile


    So I was able to find a solution to my second issue by using <?php elseif ( bbp_is_topic_closed() ) : ?> to detect if the topic is closed or not.
    I am still having problems with the first one. Trying to only show content to the author of the topic. I have tried <?php elseif ( get_topic_author() ) : ?> and <?php elseif ( current_user_can() ) : ?> nothing has worked for me yet. Any ideas?



    Makes since, but since it needs to be auto generated it needs to be php script within the template. Isn’t working out so well so far.
    What about if the form was on a different page with the shortcode, is there a way to show only the forums that the current user created in the dropdown menu?



    That’s what I’m trying to avoid. I don’t want to have to use the shortcode to call onto the id because it would have to be self generating when a new topic is created.

    In reply to: Group Forum Tab



    @robin-w thank you for you support and insight. After several weeks no one in the buddypress forums was able to figure this out. Though, your solution worked flawlessly; I hope this post helps others as well. Thank you for your time and effort.

    In reply to: Group Forum Tab



    I have asked in the buddypress forum and have not came up with an answer. Since bbPress is where the forum comes from I figured someone would be of better assistance here.
    Yes, I have tried the .pot file and it had no effect.

    In reply to: Group Forums



    That did not work. I’m thinking it may not be possible since buddypress group forums integrate with bbpress forums globally

    In reply to: Group Forums



    This seems like it could work. I will try to insert it tomorrow. Have a long night ahead of me. Thank you for the input and I will let you know how it went.

    In reply to: Group Forums



    I apologize I should have been a little more specific.
    It is actually the actual content of the single forum that I would like to be different.
    This little piece of code <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'form', 'topic' ); ?> is what adds the topic form to the forum. For the main forum I would like to remove that and for the group forums, the topic form should still show.
    The form to add a topic to the main forums would be on a separate page.

    You’re funny.



    I am surprised that after over 6 years a solution to this still has not been found. I have been trying to create this exact feature and ran into this post. So far I have not had any luck but I REALLY want this to work.

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