driz (@driz)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbPress loop help



    Okay changed all forums to have cats, but I need each block of forums with a cat to have this setup:

    <div class="box">

    At the moment it’s repeating the div and ol for each forum and not containing the forums within a cat inside just one div and ol.


    But because I have categories within categories it will become messy nested. So I only want to show top level forums and not the sub-forums/cats within.

    In reply to: Toggle Forums

    Yes I know what software they are using (I have used it in the past) What I’m looking for is a simple way to add similar functionality to bbPress. I like the solution proposed by chrishajer but it has flaws.

    In reply to: Toggle Forums

    But that’s not the case with your code though.

    In reply to: Toggle Forums

    It appears for all top level forums. but it should only appear for parent forums right? Not just categories but forums that have children too BUT NOT forums that are just single.

    In reply to: Toggle Forums

    Any updates on this pal? I’ve copied the code you use on your website to test, but the icon appears on all forums and not just the category ones (I noticed this is also the case on your forums)

    In reply to: Toggle Forums

    But there are more than one .bb-category on the page. How do I add the icon for each category and make it relative to that category.

    In reply to: Toggle Forums

    Yes, but something more like this: http://www.neowin.net/forum/

    In reply to: Toggle Forums


    the forums are in development at the moment here –> http://forums.paperviewmagazine.com/

    I’m using a quick theme for the time being. But basically where the grey bars are for the categories e.g. CMS, Web, Client Side I’m wanting to add some + and – icons which will open and close those sections.



    Okay I’ve deleted everything in the cache/cookie and also all those salts in phpMyAdmin and NOW I can access both admin panels again.

    BUT I can’t get the integration working at all. As soon as I try to use the same salt on both it breaks them, making my admin account on bbPress just a plain member and preventing me from accessing the wp-admin panel altogether (NOTE: I dont mean unauthorized, I mean actually unable to login, it just refreshes).



    Okay I have managed to fix the problem by using phpmyadmin and removing the salt keys etc in bb_meta. but the integration is still not working any ideas?

    EDIT: I can’t login to WordPress at all now. It just reloads the login page after i submit it. Any ideas?

    In reply to: header



    okay after loads of work i fink i have managed to get them intergrated by adding two plugins and adding the code to the config.php file.

    problem is i cant logout? this is a cookie issue i guess, a fix?

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