deanhills (@deanhills)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: smiley emoticons



    Sorry, I forgot to post the WordPress Dashboard that comes up for Settings/Writing:

    View post on

    Also apologies for the late reply. It’s been hectic work wise.

    In reply to: smiley emoticons



    Thanks for the prompt reply robkk.

    Please find enclosed a link for the test Website:

    When I activate Mona Lisa, the BBPress Forum disappears. You only see the link in the navigation bar, but it isn’t linked any more. When you click on it it is dead. Then when I deactivate the Mona Lisa plugin, the Forum is back again.

    I first started with a stand alone BBPress Forum, i.e. one directly loaded from the BBPress Website, as I wanted to experiment to see how good it is. There are the three plugins that come loaded with the site. But when I try to load any of the other plugins they won’t install. I.e. I would upload them to the plugins folder through cPanel, they do show, but when I click on them, there is an error message that comes up.

    Then next I tried BBPress with WordPress – i.e. I started from scratch with a WordPress site and loaded it as a plugin as per the example. I was able to download and install the Monalisa plugin, but when I activate it, the BBPress forum disappears. The blog part however is active. Only the forum is disabled.

    So yes, there has to be a conflict between BBPress and the Mona Lisa plugin.

    By the way, this is what my WordPress (up to date version) dashboard Settings/Writing looks like. You mention

    while having TinyMCE activated, and the default toolbar editor tab is the HTML one

    Where do I activate TinyMCE and find the default toolbar editor in WordPress? Or are you talking about BBPress Dashboard?

    It does work with bbPress and how its default quicktags editor though.

    As previously mentioned it didn’t work with a freshly installed bbPress Website. I had nothing else installed except the bbPress Forum. The enclosed however is now a plugin.

    Is there anything I could have done when it was a bbpress stand alone for the plugin to have been able to be installed?



    Apologies about bumping the thread. I was new to the forum. I tried BBPress as standalone first and that didn’t want to work with the WP plugins. I then made it part of a WP Website, and that didn’t work for the smiley plugin WP-Monalisa. Suggest that it should at the very least be removed from the bbPress list of plugins as it is listed here. AND it didn’t work for my stand alone Website.

    I really don’t want my visitors to have to type a code first before I see the smiley. I want it as one would find everywhere else in real forums. Without a plugin. I also don’t want to code it. WordPress is supposed to be for people who don’t have to get under the dashboard, preferably stay out of it. I spent probably a few hours last night researching this and I know for a fact I’m not the only one asking WordPress and especially bbPress to add smileys to people who make posts without having to load a plugin for it – or in the very least create a dedicated plugin by the developer of the bbPress that works at the time of downloading the stand alone software or WP Plugin.



    Roll on 7 years and there are still no dedicated emoticons/smilies for BBPress. I’ve been testing the forum for use, but what forum on earth is worth its while if it doesn’t have smilies?

    I tried the recommended wp-monalisa and ironically that completely disables BBPress when it is activated.

    NOT impressed!

    In reply to: smiley emoticons



    I have just tried to load the wp-monalisa plugin and it turned everything in my Forums OFF. Was a bit disconcerting as when I logged into the Forum the forum index did not show and the links to the Forum would not work, nor the pages.

    Then when I deactivated the wp-monalisa plugin everything was back to normal again.

    There must be a hick up somewhere as I don’t have anything special – just the BBPress Forum plugin and the Ultimate Member plugin.

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