@altmejd: read the whole topic before posting, the answer is already in this topic.
You can make your own measures. Its not exactly NEEDED
and it gets really annoying.
Well cheers theres your fix.
Trent you can also alternatively get rid of it all together just by taking this line out of bb-settings.php:
require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'bozo.php');
require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'akismet.php');
It won’t lock up your new-topics which it actually auto deletes them and it gets really annoying after trying to fix it. So, I just got rid of it all together.
Sry for the Db post but, this is a bug caused by Bozo
Go into BB-settings.php, look for
require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'bozo.php');
And Delete it.
Theres your fix.
I get this too. Can someone explain how to fix this, I know that clicking the undelete button fixes this but, that gets annoying. I do not want to keep having to click this link for all my topics.