d3x7r0 (@d3x7r0)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbPress 0.74 released



    Can we get the changed files for the release? It would be a lot easier to update that way :$



    Will our existing themes be compatible or willl we need to make changes btw?



    hum… just noticed something: My username isn’t showing up in the Users Online list… maybe it has something to do with that :?



    I just found a small issue with this plugin: when no title for the message is given it still sends the message but the link to read it is invisibe (since it’s just <a></a> with nothing in between.



    I just took a look at both codes and noticed that in the onlinelist plugin you’re using – 300 and on this one – 3600, notice the diference? :P



    I tried the beta but it doesn’t seem to be working for me :( I have the onlinelist plugin and me and a friend of mine tried it like this:

    one made a post while the other wasn’t on the website (even the browsers where closed) and 5 minutes latter the other went to the site and tried to use the function.

    The result? a blank page :(




    Hum… never did thought of using css for it… still people would still load the entire image thus making my bandwidth issue valid :?



    This plugin is great but there’s one thing I’m missing: limits.

    When someone adds an avatar I don’t want to have a 800x600px image ruining my layout (and everyones bandwidth for that matter) :S



    hum… just had this idea: what about posts since yesterday?



    Yes cookies would have to be the way to go. Since I only know C I understand a bit of PHP but when SQL and Cookies start poping up I can’t get much further…

    Thanks for the interest, in my opinion this feature is a must have since virtually every forum software uses something like this so many people are expecting the feature.

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