Unfortunately, my site is an internal intranet site only so I cannot provide a link.
The best I can do is provide this compiled screenshot of 2 different pages on my site.
Forum Screenshot
I’ve also noticed that I cannot change the Root Breadcrumb URL by using the bbp Style Pack.
I am able to change the Root Breadcrumb text, however no change occurs when I enter my desired Breadcrumb Root URL.
Edit: disregard this post, I was able to change it by putting the URL in the Breadcrumb Home section.
Hi Robin, thanks for your reply.
I’ve tried using the CSS you provided in both the bbPress Style Pack Custom CSS tab and in my theme’s Custom CSS area and neither were successful at hiding the breadcrumbs on the forum home page.
When I inspect the breadcrumbs element I’m looking to hide/remove, I see that it’s labelled;
<span class="bbp-breadcrumb-current">Forums</span>
I would like to show the current breadcrumb on all further pages, however no breadcrumbs on the forum homepage.