chrishajer (@chrishajer)

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  • @chrishajer


    I did not see this problem until today when I looked at my site in IE7. The H1 was HUGE. I added this to the BBPRESS/bb-templates/style.css around line 37 (just after the blockquote definition):

    h1 {

    font-size: 2.0em;


    h2 {

    font-size: 1.5em;


    Now the headings are approximately the same size in IE and FF, and retain the styling of the rest of the stylesheet (for #header h1 and #front-page #main h2).

    In reply to: Error for tags.php



    @richardjeananders: this addition to the .htaccess absolutely fixed this exact problem for me. I was seeing the same error in Firefox when I clicked on the Tag link in the breadcrumb navigation. PHP scripts were being interpreted by PHP 4.4.4 on the server until I created an .htaccess file with this one line. Now, PHP scripts are being interpreted by PHP 5.1.6. I can’t believe that fixed it. Thank you very much.


    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

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