chanzero (@chanzero)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: file attachments….



    i too would really like an attachment plugin. (actually my forum users would moreso than me, but isn’t that what matters?)



    Thanks for your response chrishajer. You made me realize I had put the quicktags-4-bbpress folder in /my-plugins/ instead of putting the files themselves in /my-plugins/. (Although in my defense, I was just following the instructions of the readme included with the plugin). Just moving them directly to /my-plugins/ didn’t fix anything.

    Since BBpress plugin DB seems to be down I decided to download the plugin from and uploading those files fixed my problem. So maybe bbpress DB has a different (wrong?) file? Anyway, this is what worked for me:

    Comment Quicktag 4 bbPress Plugin

    Thanks again!



    i don’t think it’s just that link the entire plugin database seems to be down. but hopefully back up soon?



    I second nolageek’s request :)



    Ok, I fixed my lack of admin access by going into wp_usermeta and deleting the “bb_capabilities” key for my wp user ID, then re-installing. All seems healthy now! Thanks everyone



    Ok, I added data in the bb_forums table and now the forums come up. Yay! My problem now is that I can’t get into the forum admin section. When I installed bbpress, it found user “chanzero” and assigned my account as keymaster but when I log in it won’t show me the admin link, nor can i surf to /bb-admin/

    I looked at my RoleID in wp_users and it’s 4, which I think should grant me access to BB admin?



    fel64: you’re right, bb_forums is indeed empty. however i’ve run through the entire installation numerous times, including the page you linked to, and nothing ever populates there. which is strange. should i put some dummy data in there to trick the install?



    I thought of what you said and I’ve looked and found nothing. I looked in wp_options and saw bbsync which I deactivated & deleted.



    any result here? (as i’m not adept enough to play with creating this)

    In reply to: bbPress new Theme



    great work on all this, can’t wait for your release!

    In reply to: how to delete posts?



    thanks potter_sys. got it

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