carterlongbeach (@carterlongbeach)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: remove columns



    Ok, I think I answered my own question.

    In bbpress.css I changed the percentages in rows 134, 142, and 149. Seems to be working.

    In reply to: remove columns



    I’m also trying to remove the Freshness/Voices/Topics columns in the forums. I’ve mostly figured out how to remove the column headers and the text in the columns (as per the conversation above), but the empty columns are still there.

    How can I completely remove the columns so that the forum and topic titles can fill in the space to the right?

    I am looking at forums.php and see something about columns but, not being a programmer, am afraid to mess with it. Or is in in a CSS file?

    Any suggestions?




    Thanks for the remove ‘forums’ link. Looks good.

    I’ll set up a country forums structure and see how it goes. I just don’t want to create something that will bog down or crash the system with too many separate forums. I ran into this problem with Vanilla, which I was trying to work with previously. So far bbPress seems to be working better.



    Thanks for the code! I just modified it by commenting out the add user contacts section and using the Register Plus Redux field (which requires users to pick a school upon registration).

    I then added code to echo a hyperlink. For each new school I will add new hyperlink code. So far it seems to be working!

    function clb_school_replies_author() {
    echo get_user_meta(bbp_get_reply_author_id(), 'rpr_testfield', true); 
    if (get_user_meta(bbp_get_reply_author_id(), 'rpr_testfield', true) == 'school1')  
    echo nl2br ("\n<a href= target=_blank>School 1 Web Page</a>");
    if (get_user_meta(bbp_get_reply_author_id(), 'rpr_testfield', true) == 'school2')  
    echo nl2br ("\n<a href= target=_blank>School 2 Web Page</a>");



    Thanks for the suggestions. However, it seems that I would still have over 50 forums on one page if, as on your first picture, I had Americas (Canada, US), Europe (… about 50 countries), Latin American (… more countries), etc.

    Maybe I could do…
    Regions Category
    -North America Category
    -Latin America Category
    -Europe Category

    then under Europe…
    –Germany Category
    –France Category

    and under Germany…
    — forum 1
    — forum 2
    — etc.

    Would that work from a user’s perspective and a functional perspective?

    Or, I was playing around with this solution…


    Home page… links directly to each country without using the forums page

    Then users see the country (category) and the 6 forums for that country.

    With this solution is it possible to remove the “forums” link in the breadcrumb?

    How does that solution compare in terms of user and software functionality?

    I would still have hundreds of forums in the database, but they would not all be visible on a single page that way. I assume that would not cause performance issues?

    Thanks for your help!



    Thanks Stephen. I’ll take a look at that as well.



    I don’t know if it is the most efficient solution, but I found something that works.

    I created a new profile field with Register Plus Redux (new field called rpr_testfield).

    I then modified bbp profile information with the following code, starting on line 26…

    $usermeta = get_userdata( $user_id, 'rpr_testfield' );
    echo $usermeta->rpr_testfield;
    if ($usermeta->rpr_testfield == 'school name from profile')  
    echo "<a href="http://www.hyperlink?pID=19" target="_blank">School web page</a>";

    Now all posts include the name of the user’s school with a hyperlink to the school webpage.



    I have a similar issue but need a little help getting it to work.

    I created a custom profile field (Base, Primary) in bbpress called School, with a dropdown menu to select the school.

    Based on the answer above I tried this, but nothing happened…

    “$usermeta = get_userdata( $user_id, ‘School’ );
    echo $usermeta->School;”

    Obviously I’m missing something. Any ideas?


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