bhujhangi (@bhujhangi)

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  • In reply to: Secure Auth?



    great online resource for whatever character key/ whatever long you need



    resolved hadn’t had to delete my wordpress install but have to check whether the integration works or not :)

    well it is due to the keys character support may not be the problem but keys surely are because of

    1. wrong defining of salt key

    2. mismatch of keys

    had defined secure auth key salt longer than the secure auth key cookie and wordpress LOGGED IN salt was not matching the bbPress LOGGED IN salt cookie, this wasn’t the root but wrong definition might have been.


    while filling up these keys be patient and double check them.

    i am currently facing Fatal error: Call to undefined function in almost every file virtually :)

    that i think is due to functions integration with wordpress

    this all is due to this little function:


    thanks for the help





    well what happened at :

    it is up and running!!!!!

    did you reinstalled wordpress? and bbPress??

    well i am facing similar problem i used wordpress 2.8.2 and bbpress 1.0.2,

    similar error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp() in /……./wp-blog-header.php on line 18

    it has shifted to line 18 because i did functions integration

    earlier bbPress was running but not the wordpress, after doing this Functions integration bbPress too started showing a warning about this require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); and a fatal error.

    but then i removed the function require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); and now i have bbPress up and running, earlier there was a SECURE AUTH cookie salt mismatch which i changed, but i didn’t solve the problem with wordpress install, earlier while installing bbPress, i checked wordpress config file it had three cookie keys and salts weren’t there so i defined 70 letter long strings with the characters





    true wordpress keys don’t have these special characters

    could these be the cause of the problem?

    or filling in a wrong key at installtion process could have done it,

    i don’t think defining a new salt key could have initiated all this

    i have two wordpress MU installs and bbPress works well with them.

    why problems with standard wordpress maybe character support?????????

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