bruceleebee (@bennygill)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @bennygill


    Did you end up finding a solution to this? I’m trying to do the exact same thing.

    I have found a few threads from 4 or 5 years ago, and supposedly someone wrote a plugin for an old version of bbpress that can do this. But BBpress has gone through some serious changes (for the best) and now operates as a plugin for wordpress not a stand alone platform – so they no longer work.

    Does anyone know of a plugin/rewrite rules/functions.php code we can use to make this a reality?



    aahhh wait a second. think its my cache plugin.



    Anyone got some ideas? I’m still looking for a solution.



    I am also having this problem.

    Any solution to this?



    I know I have to make a change in css somewhere, just not sure which value or where to find that css file. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?



    I’m having the exact same problem. And like ffalder I can’t code, but usually Google my way out of a problem. But this time no luck.

    From my research it seems lots of people are having the same problem.

    I think the main issue here is the breadcrumbs.

    1) You create a custom ‘forum home page’ using short codes (or whatever means you like) to be your default page that users see as the homepage of your forum.

    2) A user try’s to get back to the ‘forum home page’ using the breadcrumbs by clicking the text “forums” in the breadcrumbs.

    3) Unfortunately it just redirects to the forum slug chosen in Settings, not your actual ‘forum home page’. And that forum slug is always defaulted to an archives page.

    4) So setting that slug to the same as your ‘forum home page’ does not work, because woprdpress overrides your ‘forum home page’ created in step 1 and defaults it to an archives page.

    Sorry for re-hashing this, but it’s sometimes better to make it a little clearer. At least in my own head anyway.

    I don’t know how simple this is or not, but one solution that comes to mind is to have an option in Settings that lets you decide where the ‘forums’ text link in the breadcrumbs will point to. If you can choose to have it point to your ‘forum home page’ then all would be solved right?

    This person suggested changing the breadcrumbs in the core of the plugin, but obviously it’s not very desirable since it’s changes to the core. And I also cannot find the file that they edited. Think it might have been a mod to an old version:

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