Come to find out it lets users edit, if I change my PHP Support on the server to Apache module, as opposed to what I was running before as FastCGI Application.
Can you help me correct this, to where I can edit posts and run FastCGI Application PHP support at the same time?
Oh, and remapping my existing users to default forum roles gives me an Internal 500 error. Can you help me with that also?
Ok, it is not the theme. Tried changing it to Twenty Fourteen and still nothing happens.
Created a dummy user with the Participant Role. After testing the Test user could not edit the posts. What is even more weird is that even as a Admin, after deleting the post, I can not restore it. All I get is an error that says “Are you sure you want to do this?”, then a link below that says “Please Try again”. Any idea what is going on here?