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In reply to: Dropdown menu listing & Integration with WordPress?
You’re doing something wrong in the config. (Don’t blame my article
Chances are, your WP information is not matching up in your BBpress config. Post your config file here (just take out the db passwords) and I’ll be glad to help.
In reply to: Ultimate BBpress GuideIf you’ve had experienced installing other applications and you follow the bbpress install guide from the site, you shouldn’t experience any problems.
abc, you’re problem lies in the database. Some things to check:
– Do you have “all permissions” on the database you are trying to install BBpress on?
– Is your mysql database username, password, and host (usually localhost) all right in the config.php file?
ed, the best solution for you is to use the original config-sample.php from the file and re-enter all the required fields. Usually “unexpected….” error messages come up if you deleted something you should have not, such as removing a ” ‘ ” from the outside of a url. Try filling in all the options and uploading as config.php again.
In reply to: Integration with WPIn reply to: Can’t Login!Solved my problem. It was coming from
$bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.
$bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash
$bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash
I had set the urls only to, when I added the http and www it worked fine.
In reply to: Can’t Login!Yeah, anyone is willing to give mine a shot too:
(Layout is a bit screwy, in the middle of customizing for theme release)
In reply to: Can’t Login!I’m on a Linux
In reply to: Can’t Login!No one..
My wordpress username doesnt contain spaces or anything like that, it’s simply “ocean”
In reply to: Changing the style.css fileI’m in the middle of writing a large guide on customizing bbpress, hopefully I can get it published today if I can get my bbpress fixed anytime soon.