I’m now having this same problem. I’ve been all over the site so far, and all I’ve really found is that I need to fix my mod_rewrites or reset my permalinks. To restate my problem, when I test a post on my forum, it loads a page similar to what ryandoz posted. If I refresh/reload the page, the proper page comes up.
I’m working with a pretty vanilla install here, until this happened, I hadn’t even changed the permalinks from the default install (done by SimpleScripts). I don’t know enough about apache to know how to properly fix my .htaccess file to rewrite the urls, and anyway, I would prefer if I could set it up in WordPress.
So, what’s the deal with the rewriting? What exactly is actually going on? bbPress is asking for a url that isn’t rewritten, then the server tells the client the page was moved? Is that not something that bbPress can handle? I really have to put extra Rewrite rules in my .htaccess if I want to have a vanilla install of WordPress use a vanilla install of the bbPress plugin?