answerthink (@answerthink)

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  • @answerthink


    anyone come up with an answer for this by any chance?



    anyone come up with an answer for this by any chance?



    To expand a bit on my above post…

    1. This gives me the correct time in topic.php: <?php topic_time(“D M j, Y g:i a”); ?>

    2. This gives me the wrong time (+4hrs) in post.php: <?php echo date(“D M j, Y g:i a”, (strtotime($bb_post->post_time))); ?>

    3. This gives me a static date of Wed Dec 31, 1969 in front page.php: <td class=”num”><?php echo date(“D M j, Y”, bb_offset_time(strtotime($bb_forum->forum_time))); ?></td>

    If anybody knows how I can correct the final two, I would be grateful.




    I installed _ck_’s Forum Last Poster plugin to show FRESHNESS for my forums, but I am trying to convert it to the exact time/date.

    I have tried various permutations with no luck.

    The following code doesn’t work:

    <td class=”num”><?php forum_time(“D M j, Y”); ?></td>

    The following code just gives a static date of Wed Dec 31, 1969:

    <td class=”num”><?php echo date(“D M j, Y”, bb_offset_time(strtotime($bb_forum->forum_time))); ?></td>

    Any ideas how I can do this?




    I am having this same problem. When I integrated by WordPress and bbpress, I lost access to my bb-admin. I believe it’s because I forgot to specify my user roles. I am searching for a fix.

    I’ve tried completely removing by bbPress install and re-doing it, to no avail.

    And I can’t even find a file called “wp_usermeta” in my WordPress database.

    Any suggestions?


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