Need to add that the quote seems to come within the post and it becomes a trouble when you are editing. I’d rather like it beside. But I don’t know how to do this.
I also need an option where Im able to output where the link will go (preferably manually like usual BbPlugins) instead of inside the post_text.
I still dont know if you people managed to fix this but here is what worked for me after alot of trial and error:
From the first-page:
This code will generate a link to the original author’s profile and that one’s username.
<a href="<?php user_profile_link(($topic->topic_poster)) ?>"><?php topic_author(); ?></a>
And this code will make a link to the last user who posted and that one’s username.
<a href="<?php user_profile_link($topic->topic_last_poster) ?>" class="latest-disc-last-poster"><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></a>
Hope it helps!