alastair123 (@alastair123)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Change password page



    Thanks Robin, will have a search!



    I managed to get the page counts how I want using a filter – however, for the pagination links, this looked a bit beyond me, so I resorted to hacking the generated HTML in Javascript to create the markup I wanted … and it looks pretty good now.



    Oh, excellent – that’s perfect, I’ll look into doing it that way – thanks very much for taking the time to answer!



    It looks like the default pagination details are being generated like this:

    plugins -> bbpress -> templates -> default -> bbpress -> pagination-topics.php

    Inside this module are these calls which go into the plugin:


    These are both defined in:

    plugins -> bbpress -> includes -> topics -> template.php




    I’d really like to just be able to access the raw data so that I can style it myself with say Bootstrap + custom CSS.


    “Posts: 25 [showing 11 to 19]”
    “<- 1 2 ->”

    So I would need the total replies for the current topic, current page, etc. And I would need to create the necessary links to then show the next / prev set of posts (or topics).

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