Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Display avatar in header
Duh! I’m using the Avatar plugin by Joshua Hutchins.
In reply to: Certain users posts not showing upI disabled it. Sadly the users it concerned have already left.
chrishajer: That was it! Thanks.
In reply to: Certain users posts not showing upOk, I found it!
Hah. It was in Akismet. They were marked as spam. But where do I go from here? I don’t want to disable Akisment and get overrun by real spam!
In reply to: Fix or remove bozo function before it kills bbPressYou can also alternatively get rid of it all together just by taking this line out of bb-settings.php:
require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'bozo.php');
require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'akismet.php');
YMMV.Why would I need to take out the akismet.php as well?
In reply to: Certain users posts not showing upThey’re not marked as bozos.
Something else happened to a few posts now. The posts themselves don’t show up but the user shows up as “latest poster”. When I click on the latest poster link it goes to the last page of the topic but not the latest post as it’s not there.
I installed the fix-bbpress plugin but it still doesn’t work.
In reply to: top 100 bbPress sitesbenbeltran: Your forum is what made me decide on going with bbpress
In reply to: Theme / plugin for profile page?benbeltran: That’s why I put “theme” in the topic title, rudely looking to steal what someone else had already created
I know, I’m terrible!
In reply to: Certain users posts not showing upC’mon! Anyone? My users are abandoning the forum
In reply to: Certain users posts not showing up1. The post only shows up for the user who posted
2. It’s not registered in the users postcount
3. It’s not registered as “last poster” in the topic list
4. The thread is not moved to the top in the topic list
5. It does not happen every time
6. It has happened to several users
I think I’m beginning to lose users over this
Anyone? Ideas?
In reply to: “.post { overflow: auto; }” IE problemsThis seems to work on all versions:
.post { display: block; width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; }
Except! In older versions of IE the sidescrollbar is on top of the last line of text in the post. Any takers?
In reply to: “.post { overflow: auto; }” IE problemsHere’s a post where it can be seen:
In reply to: “.post { overflow: auto; }” IE problemsI’m sorry I don’t. It works on my version of IE, but not the ones at my job. Which also makes this quite tough for me to tackle. I was hoping now, with CSS being quite new and all, the different browsers would embrace using the same standards
Anyway, maybe the overflow-y: hidden is what hides the content below?
In reply to: “.post { overflow: auto; }” IE problemsThat removed the scrollbar but hides content below the .post-div.
In reply to: Certain users posts not showing upNo, that wasn’t it. One more user has had this happen. It only happens on occassion. They can see the post themselves, but they’re not marked as last poster and their postcount’s not increasing.
In reply to: Dropdown menu to jump between forumsI was looking for an easy way out, just creating a problem where there wasn’t one. I just did a basic html dropdown list, linking to the urls of the forums. Check it out above!
In reply to: top 100 bbPress sitesThe theme is Blix, and I’ve modified the hell out of it. The headers from the WordPress theme are loaded into bbpress. It’d take some work I’m not willing to put in to make this a bbpress theme
In reply to: top 100 bbPress sitesWhat about mine?
In reply to: WP Blix theme forum tab highlightI don’t really remember but this is what I have:
<li<?php if (is_home() && $forumpage == false) echo " class="current-cat""; ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" title="Start">Start</a></li>
<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=id&hide_empty=0&exclude=2'); ?>
<li<?php if ($forumpage == TRUE) { echo " class="current-cat""; } ?>><a href="" title="Forum">Forum</a></li>In reply to: Go to last post in topicThank you! I lost my password to the support forums in a computer crash but now I’m back to show my delayed gratitude
In reply to: *seamless* wordpress integrationOk, solved that as well
Now, for my next problem. What do I type so it knows when I’m browsing a forum page? If you look at my site I have highlighted tabs for my different sections. I need the forum tab to be highlighted while in the forum and for the start tab not to be! I use is_home for the start tab
Please help!
In reply to: Problems with quotation marksIn reply to: Link to profile edit from wordpress headerThank you for the help! Actually I solved it just now, I had to put
global $current_user; echo $current_user->ID;
to get it right!
In reply to: neat trick to get table hovers highlighted in IEAwesome! Works perfectly, thank you
In reply to: Link to profile edit from wordpress headerOk so it won’t type out the code the way I want to here. I did the backsticks thing… But I know someone out there will be able to help me out anyway