admingsc (@admingsc)

Forum Replies Created

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  • admingsc


    Thanks, guys!



    Johnhiler, I like the idea of using views to show the information in the way you’ve described. However, I’m planning some customized features for the board in the near future, and I think they would conflict with the approach. We did come up with a short-term solve to the speed problem, which we’ll have to see if it works or not.

    Our structure is something like this:

    10 level 1 forums

    40 level 2 forums for each level 1

    14 level 3 forums for each level 2

    The main problem is that Level 1 (the landing page) takes about 20 seconds to load. We’re thinking about turning Level 1 into a static HTML webpage with 10 links to Level 2. When the user clicks a link, they’re brought to the board at Level 2, which loads in about 6 seconds. Guess we’ll see what happens.

    Hmm… my plugins include Akismet, BBPM, Bozo Users, and Report Posts. Akismet and Bozo are not active, however.

    Chrishajer, the number of forums is going to continue to grow (perhaps to twice as large!) I’ve actually got a development team that’s saying that I need to create my own customized solution instead of using a pre-packaged discussion board tool. Do you agree?

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