_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    Auto closing formatting is being worked on by mdawaffe now I believe.

    It’s a single boolean bug (true/false) so I should hope it doesn’t take too long ;-)

    In reply to: subforums and markup



    Sooner or later you may want these other tweaks too:


    1. Get rid of the ?replies=# ugliness in topic links

    2. add nofollow to post links

    3. add target=_blank to post links

    4. auto-close tags – bbPress’s auto-close tags is broken by default

    5. get rid of [closed] on subjects – useful if you have a narrow template



    fel64, the string is internal to bbpress, not the template loop.

    Look at forum.php template to remind yourself

    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>
    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>

    $forum is being treated as a global and not reset back.

    I could remember and reset $forum I guess before and after the while-loop $temp=$forum; loop-here; $forum=$temp; but that’s an ugly hack. It’s got to be fixed in the core and that’s beyond my knowledge of bbpress.

    In reply to: subforums and markup



    fel64, the string is internal to bbpress, not the template loop.

    Look at forum.php template to remind yourself

    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>
    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>

    $forum is being treated as a global and not reset back.

    I could remember and reset $forum I guess before and after the while-loop $temp=$forum; loop-here; $forum=$temp; but that’s an ugly hack. It’s got to be fixed in the core and that’s beyond my knowledge of bbpress.



    The terminology here is too close to “auto-close tags” which refers to the bug in bbpress where it’s not closing markup automatically (try posting < strong > here without a closing tag and you’ll see)

    What you mean is auto-suggest tags (which I wish were called categories but the blogophere does love it’s crazy little terminology).

    The features you ask for are way outside the core and would obviously have to be a plugin (but don’t look at me, I disable tags on my forums).

    In reply to: subforums and markup



    when I create a forum and subforums, if I post in the main forum the post automatically goes to the last of the sub forums – how do I correct this?

    oooohh! That explains why I keep having to move posts.

    That’s probably somehow associated with this bug I found:


    It is indeed very annoying. Unfortunately no clue how to fix.

    In reply to: subforums and markup



    If you are trying to use <b> instead of “strong” it won’t work because it’s not the “leet” xhtml standard that bbpress wants to enforce. But you can trick bbpress to allow it with this tweak:

    function allow_extra_tags( $tags ) {
    $tags['del'] = array();
    $tags['strike'] = array();
    $tags['s'] = array();
    $tags['b'] = array();
    $tags['i'] = array();
    $tags['u'] = array();
    $tags['bq'] = array();
    $tags['blockquote'] = array();
    $tags['pre'] = array();
    $tags['hr'] = array();
    return $tags;
    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_extra_tags' );

    note as you can see I allow other tags too

    In reply to: subforums and markup



    If you mean so topics in sub-forums do not show up on “latest discussions” I whipped this up to solve that:

    function filter_front_page_topics($where){
    // $exclude_forums=array ("8"); // enable this to manually specify specific forums by id #
    $forums = get_forums(); foreach ($forums as $forum) {if ($forum->forum_parent) {$exclude_forums[]=$forum->forum_id;}} // exclude ALL sub-forums
    if ( is_front()) {foreach($exclude_forums as $forum) { $where.=" AND forum_id != ".$forum." "; }}
    return $where;
    add_filter( 'get_latest_topics_where', 'filter_front_page_topics');
    add_filter( 'get_latest_posts_where', 'filter_front_page_topics');



    security note: do not use less than version 0.03 as I forgot to filter pre_post on the signature and it will allow javascript, etc. – fixed now

    autop turned off in v0.04 so no more auto-paragraph tags

    hope someone finds this useful after the couple hours of work



    Okay I have a working prototype.

    Who wants to beta test?


    Okee well just let me know.

    Not responsible for any melted servers or sudden calls from the voyager probe.



    If we could take polls I would know if there is interest but simply out of the curiosity to learn more about the bbpress core I might give this a shot this weekend.

    update: will have a prototype posted within a couple hours or so of this post



    You can hook add_new_topic in such a way that the topic_status is changed and the counters won’t go up.



    See that’s the thing, you won’t be able to pre-guess everywhere it will show up. Any future plugins will not know to obey your time logic.

    However most code should know to check for topic_status==0

    If you set it higher and then set it back when the time is right, then you should be able to get around all functions. Just don’t use 1 or 2 as a marker.

    Then every few minutes do a mysql check for any topics that have that unique number set in topic_status and if their time has past, set topic_status to zero.

    That reminds me, bbpress will need a pseudo-cron that can be hooked with a real cron job if so desired.

    In reply to: file attachments….



    Finally a thread to use this page I was saving:


    Matt doesn’t want bbpress to have features.

    He actually recommends punbb if you want more features like file attachments.

    [bbpress] is never going to have a tenth of the features of phpBB or vBulletin … bbPress is not going to have avatars, or put post counts next to your name

    What he wants is pingbacks so a million spammers, er, I mean a million micro-forums, can add posts to your site without ever visiting it or following topics. He wants to de-centralize any sense of community.

    (if you don’t get my humour, I disagree with his logic but don’t get me wrong I still respect him – bbpress is growing on me far more than punbb – also note that punbb is at least a year older than bbpress and has far more developers – bbpress has not even approached any kind of critical mass yet – punbb does not have built in private-messaging, polls and file attachments either)

    ps. compare

    In reply to: Theme: Derleth



    Maybe you should do a very faint watermark of mickey mouse ears under the white text background on the page. That would be stylish.

    I don’t see rounding in IE or Firefox.



    I don’t think your technique will work universally.

    I bet your early posts still show up in search before they are “published”. Maybe even the rss feeds too.

    By tinkering with the topic_status field it will make sure virtually all routines in bbpress will hide the post from visitors until set down to zero.



    >For a lark I pointed the plugin to the WordPress Plugin SVN. It got about 1/4 of the way through retrieving the list of plugins and died (script timeout).

    With many people accessing it, yeah it will necessary to pre-compile a default list of a full revision weekly.

    Or to be sneaky for now you can set a flag in options after each curl fetch and restart bbpress if you calculate approaching 30 seconds.

    Both ways sound like headaches.

    I wonder if the trac cache is faster/more efficent?





    I wonder if trac can be tricked to pre-gzip it all to download beforehand as a bundled revision? It’s got to compress wonderfully as it’s entirely plain text and repeating php functions.

    ps. be sure to take advantage of gzip support in curl / fsockopen – I have some code I wrote somewhere to do this if you need ideas

    In reply to: Theme: Derleth



    A little intense but pretty.

    I don’t see anything rounded?

    I think your hot tags area needs an overflow:hidden ?



    Heh. I was going to write one from scratch but then I did a search to see as I figured someone must have already.

    I don’t want to duplicate the original author’s work unless they have given up or there is a large demand.



    In theory it should be possible to use the topic_status field to set a future topics flag ie. “4” and check the database everytime bbpress runs for that flag, then change it to 0 when the time has passed.

    I don’t see this as a big need for forums (wordpress is another matter) but it’s a simple enough plugin so maybe I’ll try later this weekend.



    This plugin should be updated, cleaned-up (a lot) and released into the SVN for others to see.

    It’s very easy to apply filters to the signature just like the post text, smiles, auto-close tags and a whole bunch of other tweaks and security could be easily added.

    I believe it’s also possible to auto-add the signature field into the profile edit page via actions/filters so no user editing required.

    Last but not least I think there should be an option that is on by default to only show one signature for the member per page so it doesn’t get too annoying for viewers.



    There are many other things you will need to do to get it working properly with wordpress.

    1. cookies paths need to be fixed in both programs

    2. the integration plugin should be installed

    3. the allow spaces in usernames plugin should be installed

    4. force all registrations/logins through wordpress from the several places they are buried on the forum (the WP interfaces are far more developed)

    5. add the ” set default role when registering new user though forum” plugin tweak

    There are probably a few others I’ve forgotten by now.



    Actually, forget that way.

    I just checked the source and it’s right there for us:

    <? if (bb_is_user_logged_in()) { echo '<a href="'.get_profile_tab_link(bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' ), 'favorites' ).'">favorites</a>'; } ?>

    much better



    one quick & dirty way:

    <? if (bb_is_user_logged_in()) { ?><a href="<? echo $bb->uri.'profile.php?id='.bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' ); ?>&tab=favorites">favorites</a><? } ?>



    Keep in mind that bbpress already tracks all topics started and all recent replies by each user in their profile.

    Subscribing to individual threads is something probably better suited to the notification plugin. Serialized meta data would have to be added to each topic with each user subscribed and then removed when unsubscribed. I guess I can look into it eventually if no-one else creates such a feature.

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