amirsaam (@7i7griffin)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: BBPress 2 Unread Post



    You have to use the bbPress plugins in WordPress plugin directory… plugin directory is for bbPress 1 the standalone vr

    In reply to: 'Before' pagination?



    In the Standalone I jus use this <?php bb_latest_topics_pages(); ?> for what you wanted :) Maybe you can use it by changing bb_ to bbp_ like something else that it worked!



    I said I never saw a mass action in Standalone bbPress for posts. That was your answer but I asked did you use Akismet too or nope? The Akismet didn’t care of spammers?



    I didn’t see anything about a mass doing to posts. But why Bozos filter? Didn’t use Akismet?



    An advice, see this plugin for stanalone vr then you can see how can you done it for bbPlugin: Unread Topics



    Yep, but something else you can use if you want that play like Twitter to reply game (Got my mean? Like @OAEErra) on topics you can use this: Easy Mentions

    Note: The code I gave you is for StandAlone vr. not the bbPlugin



    jus’ add a link to where you need and make the url to the div of the new topic/reply form. I used this one for myself to new topic in the forum page:

    <?php if(bb_get_forum_is_category() != bb_is_user_logged_in()) { echo "— <a href='#post-form' class='jAdd'>Add new »</a>"; } ?>

    The a class is for a jQuery thing I used, you don’t need that.

    In reply to: bbPress Language Files



    LOL! Yep @JJJ is right! On line 538 of bbPress.php we have a language directory for bbPress! It exist like /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ and I think the textdomain (if need but I don’t think so) is bbpress

    That was what I got from that file :)

    In reply to: bbPress Language Files



    I do not think you’re do the right thing guys. I think you jus’ must put the language file into WP language directory (wp-content/languages) with a name like (I’m not sure about it) bbp-fa_IR.po or bbppress-fa_IR.po and/or mo. That fa-IR is for my language, example for english: en_US



    If you wanna use bbPlugin (bbPress 2.0) you may want to make a plugin that do what you want. But by using bbPress you can use this plugin: Hidden Forums :)



    Before installing bbPlugin do you see activity stream?

    Install WordPress again, then set up the BuddyPress. After that install bbPlugin on it.

    If you saw issue again write it down again here

    Maziyar is a Persian name. Are you Persian? Email me then… :)

    In reply to: disabling breadcrumbs



    I like that smile :))



    Thank you Adam :) You made me happy. Going to now BP functions!!! :-D



    Yep JJJ, bbPlugin is very good but I’ve still have no skill in using it. Other way our people like the StandAlone more than the bbPlugin. For now I want learn more about the SA :)

    This BackPress question is that I want know it and you can better answer me, is that possible to get some function from WordPress after integrating? BackPress will be used here? :)

    In reply to: Local Time Issues



    In bbPress times of posts and topics are like Twitter, like 20 minute ago and etc. Then, when the time be very long ago it will shown like what is in General setting date and time field :)



    And something else, can your way after deleting a post reduce the number?



    Yep, the counting is the problem. but first go and see is your way possible or not. Get the # a +1 will be awesome but how will stored in database? hum?

    I have not a good knowledge about database but I know make a +1 to database is a very hard way! :-/

    My way is the way bbPress go, how? bbPress count it, store it into the database and you don’t need to store it again, jus’ get it and show it. Your way said bbPress counted it & stored it into db, ok I don’t need it. I’ll count & store it again then show it (I didn’t used bbPlugin, maybe I didn’t see what’s going on here!) but in this way countin’ will be lower but the problem is the +1 that is possible or not cause MySQLs I think have not this ability and everytime they overwrite themselves mean they recount and rewrite the metas, they are not mathmen :D



    Yep :-D But you must worry about the database mass, when we need to back it up for big forums you have a big volume to back up, nuh?

    Till now my theme for Persian bbPress support site is about 25 query in homepage, it’s cause of the Ajax and jQuery I used in it :-/ I don’t think for big forums a query be something that they worry about it.

    Another thing, your plugin need to count the post numbers after anypost, save it then give it out. I think it will be more heavier than this query that jus’ evoke the number :)

    Any way I jus’ cause of that write this code to have the number without plugin, cause plugins that we have now make another method and etc. that not awesome.

    But still have this mind for myself, we need to upgrade the StandAlone vr more than the bbPlugin cause anyone have not a WP installed! Someone are here that jus’ wanna a forum software! other way, bbPlugin is so awesome! :-D :-D



    You would like to know jus’ have 52,283 post :)

    ** I forgot it: Yeah buddy I would like to learnin’ manything here and share what I know :) But I don’t know anything about bbPlugin :( bbPress 1.x is my game



    Nope dude, can you explain me what type of scary thing?

    See bbShowcase and Persian WP forum to see it. But this is a code and they are a plugin called Post Count Plus by _ck_

    It’s just get it from database and do not cache anything.

    In Persian WP forum we have 17,121 registered user and 85,766 post :-D Check the topics for see the scary thing you said :) I repeat that is a Plugin and it’s a jus’ code that have jus’ a query :)



    You can add this query for Total # of Topics Starded

    $query2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$bb_table_prefix."posts WHERE poster_id = $user_id AND post_status = 0 AND post_position = 1";
    echo "<li>Topics: ".$bbdb->get_var($query2)."</li>";



    Oops! A $ is missed in the code :-D Use it bbp_topic_is_open( $bbp_post->bbp_topic_id )

    And again I’m not sure about this code that work or no!

    And, your welcome :-)



    Nope, that function is absolutely diffrent and not used in bbPlugin :)



    comments_open() function have a sister function that used in bbPress or the bbPlugin. They looks like topic_is_open( $bb_post->topic_id ) (bbPress) or bbPlugin (I’m not sure!) bbp_topic_is_open(bbp_post->bbp_topic_id)

    I repeat that I’m not sure about bbPlugin!



    Thanks dude about answer and the address. I read them but I’ve question now, if we integrate our bbPress with WordPress can we use some functions from WP?

    I mean if we do integrate after that in theme designin’ can we use a function like this? <?php get_wp_header(); ?> (It’s jus’ a example, Im not sure about the code!)

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