My BBpress MySQL are only 9 strings and the Size are: 36,9 KB and one post size are 3,60 kb s0 10*1000 = (10.000/3,60) = 2777,77 post i think but that is still a lot, i got 2 blogs and one bbpress on my MySQL and i only uses about 1MB and my database is 150 MB i think
so that means i can have 10MB of topic in my forums, right?
Yes but its anything like 9,9 or low , because the table and collumn names take also place on your MySQL space , but like ranrar said , the size is’nt important .
and if I install 2 bbpress in my website (2bbpress ..not 2 sections).
I should have 2 MyQsl database??? or just 1 is enough?
Just one database is enough provided that the two bbPress installs have different values for their $bb_table_prefix
settings in their config.php files.
for one and
or bb_cool_
(or whatever) for the other.