Sounds like the import did not go very well. Do you have something like phpMyAdmin to look at the users table? Maybe the users didn’t get imported at all, or maybe there’s something simple wrong with the records.
yeah, im looking at the users table and every field is filled right.
I convert from phpbb with bbpress everything works fine. Then i upgrade to 1.0-Alpha-6 and everything works wrong
there are some NEW tables like term_taxonomy with 1 row only, just my user is ported to term_relashionships table, i dont have many knowledge with mysql, what im doing wrong?
So don’t upgrade to 1.0 alpha? You should not be using the alpha on a live site.
So there is a solid phpbb conversion routine now for phpbb users?
That is good news.
Ok, so i need to delete my installation and install bbpress again.
I modify one converter that convert php db to bbpress very nice…
if anyone need it justo ask…
Ok m8, finally i have users integrated!
but what’s now? All my old forums users disapear since im using wp_users… LOL!
There is some way to use bbpress users table in wp?
Thanx in advance!