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New integrated install – looks like a bug?

  • @mrpeteh


    I’m a not-quite-noob on WP/WPmu, and a total noob here on bbPress. I’m attempting my first integrated install, from scratch. WPmu latest (2.7 trunk as of a couple weeks ago) and bb 1.0 alpha 6. I thought I’d share a new-user experience… knowing that this kind of stuff is hard to remember later.

    I’m wanting integration of users and logins, and went through the install with that in mind.

    Anomalies, strangeness and bugs found:

    1) It asks for both the site URL and blog URL. WPmu doesn’t have both items, so that’s confusing. Should mention that the same value can be copied in.

    2) It doesn’t suggest the URL needs “http://” attached until after you save settings and get an error.

    3) [suggestion] why not ask for the location of the WP/WPmu install, and pull the keys etc from wp-config.php??? That would save a ton of typing and confusion.

    4) Once I got everything entered, it let me login ok… HOWEVER:

    5) It quickly LOST all my settings and the database appeared broken. Here’s how:

    * I clicked on “Admin” to go to the admin panel

    * Went to Settings->WordPress Integration

    * Set up role mappings and saved

    * Either at that point, or with one more click (Save in User Integration), I was suddenly locked out and getting mysql connect errors in the header.

    * Examining the page I was on showed the “advanced database settings” had defaulted to different info: apparently it used my admin login (user admin) rather than the WP db user/pass I had provided.

    * It was impossible to reset this info on that page due to the DB connect error. [suggestion: maintain ‘admin’ login/pw in a bb_* table for emergency admin use of the WP connection breaks!]

    * Confusingly, the DB info in bb-config.php is correct and I could not find the (wrong) wp DB info in any text file. Presumably it is stored in the bb-* database?!

    My workaround, which is now in use: hand code the settings ($bb->user_bbdb_user etc) into bb-config.php. That works.

    Bottom line: either the integrated installation process, or perhaps the settings->Integration page, is busted.

    Hope that helps!

    [PS: I’m the author of the wptuner performance analysis/debugging plugin for WP/WPmu. Would a BB version be helpful?]

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  • @ipstenu


    Regarding anomaly #1, WP standard does have both URL and site URL, so that’s kinda ‘WPmu is bad’ in this instance.

    About the rest … MRH. I’m a little lost. Yes, please do tell us what BB version you’re using :)



    ummm… I’m using 1.0 alpha 6, like I said…



    Oops! My bad :) When you said

    Would a BB version be helpful?

    I didn’t re-read the whole thing.



    Ah, a bbPress version of the wptuner plugin for WordPress. I follow now.

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