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PHP usage poll

  • @sambauers


    This poll is intended to gauge usage levels of older versions of PHP, with a view to maybe bumping the lowest supported version in bbPress up to PHP 4.4.9 (from PHP 4.3.0).

    The two options below are the latest stable versions of PHP 4 and 5. If you are using another version, please be specific when entering it’s version number.

    [polldaddy poll=1247862]

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  • @_ck_


    Sam, I can already tell you that from my 5000 site survey.

    This data is from mid-October 2008

    PHP Popularity

    4.2 : 1

    4.3 : 249

    4.4 : 1088

    5.0 : 41

    5.1 : 261

    5.2 : 2464

    unknown : 700+

    or in finer detail:

    4.2.2 => 1

    4.3.0 => 1

    4.3.2 => 4

    4.3.3 => 3

    4.3.4 => 7

    4.3.8 => 6

    4.3.9 => 115

    4.3.10 => 51

    4.3.11 => 62

    4.4.0 => 12

    4.4.1 => 23

    4.4.2 => 29

    4.4.3 => 13

    4.4.4 => 85

    4.4.5 => 4

    4.4.6 => 32

    4.4.7 => 191

    4.4.8 => 414

    4.4.9 => 285

    5.0.3 => 1

    5.0.4 => 32

    5.0.5 => 8

    5.1.1 => 3

    5.1.2 => 39

    5.1.3 => 1

    5.1.4 => 17

    5.1.5 => 4

    5.1.6 => 197

    5.2.0 => 183

    5.2.1 => 79

    5.2.2 => 51

    5.2.3 => 121

    5.2.4 => 171

    5.2.5 => 537

    5.2.6 => 1318

    5.2.8 => 4

    unknown : 700+

    I will be updating the survey next month and I expect the sites to double.

    (If you really need me to, I guess I can rush the survey update earlier)



    Great stuff _ck_! If people can still answer in the poll as well that would be great.



    I could upgrade my php but happy with the 5.1.x series right now. I guess I will upgrade to 5.2.x at some point though. 4.4.9 should be a minimum as not many shared hosts even use 4.x anymore.




    What would be particularly useful is an intersection of php version and bbpress version.



    Unfortunately bbPress version is extremely different to determine, however the point is moot as there are technically only two now, no?

    Very few people still using 0.8.x unless they have hacked the core and they are stuck.

    Personally I am waiting for 5.3.0 to be final and stable before going to 5.x

    Until then, 5.x is slower than 4.4.x

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