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Creating my own wrapper for bbpress forums, but……

  • Arion


    Where do I go in to tell bbpress to pull bbpress.php and use it as the wrapper for all forums and topics therein. Please help!

    Thanks in advance. Been working on this for a while with no luck.

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  • Brandon Allen


    Could you give some more info on what you’re trying to accomplish?




    I have the Black Label wordpress theme on my site and as such it comes with a fullscreen background image option on every post and page. I bought this theme for this very reason. Now, when I plugged in bbpress, I had to use the shortcodes on the main forum page which was no problem but when I click on the forum or the topic links, I get sent to a page that instead of saying “edit page” in the admin bar, it says “Edit forum” or “Edit topic” and doesn’t allow me to set the background image.

    Now I looked into creating a default background image by changing some .css but this sets that image for ALL the pages, (page.php) and though it is overridden by the set background image in the theme, it isn’t pleasing to my eye to have one background image when you open and a second or two later have another one pop up on top of it. So I trashed this option.

    Did some research on how I can resolve this problem and found a previous thread here:

    Needless to say that it interested me that I could create my own wrapper and have the forums and topics open up in a special page and have a set background for that page alone that won’t affect my other pages.

    Well, this is the skinny of my situation. I hope I gave you enough info this time, sorry for not doing it from the get go. Can I do this? Where do I change the default wrapper to my new one? I’m imagining it’s in the function sets. Or perhaps there is an even better solution to my situation. What do yo suggest Brandon?

    Oh, and thanks for your time :)

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