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integration lost admin status

  • I recently installed bbpress as I was already using a wordpress blog and wanted to add a simple forum to my site. As a strictly technophobic, *simple* was the key point!

    After installing bbpres successfully, I thought it would be nice to integrate the 2. I followed the instructions, but now find when I log-in to the forum as admin I only get an ordinary users rights, ie I can no longer access the admin screens, even if I try to access the url/bb-admin.

    Is there any way I can restore admin rights? or cancel the integration and put thing back as they were? Would a complete re-installation solve the problem? And if so would I lose the forum posts I already put up?

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  • @chrishajer




    If you were not integrated before and had both WP and bbPress setup, you have two user tables and will lose the bbPress users (in theory).

    My “fix-admin-access” plugin may give you access but keep in mind if you have two separate tables you are going to lose the info in one. You also must be user #1 or it won’t work at all (I should enhance that plugin eventually to do some other tricks).

    Hopefully you are using the WP user table – so try the plugin above and then make sure you login with your WP info, not your bbPress info, into bbPress. I think some people miss this point, that if you integrate into WordPress, you must use your WP login on bbPress.

    Thanks. fix-admin-access solved the problem. Single log-in still doesn’t work, but I’m happy that both programs are working independently.

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