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IE 6 breaking tables.

  • @fokjulle


    My forum (here) are working fine in Firefox. The theme, that is. But in IE 6, the tag cloud sits above the content area, instead of alongside. Yet, on the theme designer’s website, the same theme works fine in IE 6.

    I’m very confused.

    Any ideas and help?

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  • @chrishajer


    I was able to get it to display properly in IE6 by changing the CSS for the #frontpage #discussions.


    #front-page #discussions {
    margin-left: 170px;
    width: 590px;



    #front-page #discussions {
    float: right;
    width: 590px;


    Basically, that change makes the #discussions div float to the right inside the #main div, rather than relying on the 170px of left margin. Not sure why IE6 does that and I didn’t investigate, but that fixed it for me. There might be other places you need to do that: I’m not sure. That was just for the home page of the forum.



    That worked. Thanks.



    Oops. Can someone neaten up my URL link in the first post. I’d prefer it not being so public like that…



    Okay, it works in IE. But it removes the white CSS background in Firefox. Weird. Any idea why? And how to fix it?



    I did not lose the background in FF. Where is the white that is missing that you’re talking about? Your forum looks fine to me in IE6 and FF2.0.0.13.



    Compare the forum in FF and IE. In IE, the white background extends to the bottom of the content area. Correct. In FF, the white background stops under “Hot Tags” and “Discussions”, revealing the tiled background instead. This is wrong.



    Can you post a screenshot please?



    Ah, I see now. I wasn’t seeing the background image before. (EDIT)



    How about just adding background: #FFFFFF; to your css for #front-page #discussions?



    Done it. It makes no difference…




    I am the developer of this theme, and I also saw your post in my forums (will answer shortly.)

    First: This was my first theme and an old one, it needs to be updated. Which is probably why you are having issues. I plan to update all of my bbPress themes this week.

    Second: As a temporary fix, try:

    #front-page #discussions {
    width: 590px;
    overflow: hidden;
    float: right;

    Let me know what happens.



    Tried it. No difference.



    Download the theme again from my site and just replace the stylesheet. Let me know what happens.

    If nothing changes, then you’ll need to wait for an update. Which, like I said will be completed sometime this week.



    This fix is not applied, and when I apply it to your CSS, the background is white as expected. If you cannot wait for the new theme, I think I would just make this minor change.

    I think you might have some things cached in your browser that is preventing you from seeing changes. Can you use a different browser, or a different computer, or clear your cache? I think once that’s done, you will see some problems fixed. Both this one and the JavaScript error appear fixed to me.



    It’s incredible…

    I cleared the cache, and nothing changed.

    I downloaded the theme again, and replaced the styelsheet. The tables broke again, so I applied the above fix, and the tables were fixed.

    Then, after applying the above fix, the white background (which is supposed to extend all the way to the bottom of the site, meeting up with the footer info) suddenly vanished.

    When I removed the above fix, the white background returned, but the tables in IE broke again.

    I’m still at the drawing board…




    Since your still having issues, you’ll need to wait for an update.

    @chrishajer: by the way, thanks for helping fokjulle out with this issue.



    So, when you float the discussions div over to the right, the white background is missing in FF? That’s fine, then there is a SEPARATE fix for the white background. There are two things to change in the stylesheet. This is what it should look like to have a white background and be floated properly in IE:

    #front-page #discussions {
    float: right;
    background: #FFFFFF;
    width: 590px;

    And the theme author, refueled, suggested also overflow: hidden; but I didn’t try or verify that. I just did what is posted in this reply, floating it to the right for IE, then applying a background color of white to the whole div.





    I see the difference now. Exactly how do you want it? Where do you want the white and where do you want the background pattern? It’s just a matter of adjusting the CSS. I can hardly tell the difference on this monitor so I can’t see the white vs. pattern thing sometimes.



    Well, it needs to look like it does in IE. If I remove the CSS fix a few posts above, Firefox’s CSS returns to its correct state (which is the same as the IE state). But as soon as the CSS fix is applied, Firefox goes funny.



    It looks to me like the #wrapper div doesn’t actually wrap the whole layout. That is the div that needs to have white as a background color, but all the other divs are not inside it. I think your best bet is to wait for the theme update from the theme author.



    and I’ll try to have the update done tonight. Will post either here or I will start a thread announcing the update. I’ll also include a redesigned version since the theme itself was built off the K2 theme.



    Thanks, buddy. Please post a message here, and I’ll download it immediately.




    I am currently working on the update and I am curious to know if replacing the following helps at all?

    #main {
    font-family: Georgia, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 11px;
    line-height: 13pt;
    width: 760px;
    margin: 10px auto 25px;
    position: relative;

    with this:

    #main {
    font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 11px;
    line-height: 13pt;
    width: 760px;
    margin: 10px auto 25px;
    overflow: hidden;

    Let me know. Thanks.



    Yes, that seems to have worked. :-)

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