What kind of stuff will be in the sidebar? Is it a php file that exists somewhere on your server already? Do you have an example of what you’re looking to do?
it is one of the sidebars that is on my wordpress which is my homepage
You are looking for integration then, to include WordPress bits in your bbPress.
If you search this forum for integration or view topics tagged integration, you will find lots of integration advice. Here’s a good thread (started a while ago so some of the advice may not apply).
thanks but i can not find anything about adding the sidebar
Nick, are you talking about something like this?
* https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/plugin-add-sidebar
This doesn’t do any magic integration with WordPress, it just lets you put a sidebar.php file in your theme directory that can be invoked from multiple pages. I actually ended not using this approach (despite writing the plugin). Instead, I just added some PHP/xhtml at the end of header.php.