Moderators for the same forum
Can moderators for the same forum moderate each other?
Thanks for your help,
probably – maybe set up a test moderator and try
Hi, I’m actually sharing the same thoughts with u.
I’m thinking that is it possible to hide the admin link “spam” (or “unapproved”) for every topic/reply posted by moderator and keymaster? This will certainly prevent other moderators from moderating each other.
I suppose my first thought would be that if you can’t trust your moderators to be nice to each other, why would you trust them to be nice to the general forums users, so why would you have them as moderators in the first place?
Perhaps we can see from another perspective, by hiding admin link “spam”/”unapprove”, forum admin in fact trusts moderators that they will be nice to all participants because their posts will not be moderated by other moderators.
maybe …not one the bbpress authors allowed for 🙂
anyway, totally untested as I need to be doing other things, but this might do it
revised code belowof course if moderators are allowed into the backend, then this becomes pointless, but I would argue that only admins should be backend access 🙂
Why set people as moderators if I don’t trust them? Because, in my case, it is not about moderating. I have to create hidden training groups that concerned people exclusively will see. The only way is to make them moderators for their relevant group.
There will eventually be dozens of groups and I would like to delete them when their training is over, so the Private Groups plugin is hardly the answer here.
My concern is that some lunatics decide to remove posts or replies from others in the group.
@ph59 – ah I see, then yes try the code above, if it doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll try and find time to fix it
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
Thank you.
I will definitely keep this code handy. I will have several forums and need the code to function only for what will be the “Training” category of forums. Can this category be implemented in the code?
ok, again untested but this
add_filter ('bbp_topic_admin_links' , 'surpress_moderator_links', 10 , 2) ; add_filter ('bbp_reply_admin_links' , 'surpress_moderator_links', 10 , 2) ; function surpress_moderator_links ($links , $id) { if (bbp_is_topic( $id)) $forum = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $id ) ; if (bbp_is_reply( $id)) $forum = bbp_get_reply_forum_id( $id) ; if (!in_array($forum, array ('12345','34567','78945'))) return $links ; //if user is moderator but not a keymaster... $user_id = wp_get_current_user()->ID ; if (bbp_is_user_keymaster($user_id)) return $links ; if (current_user_can( 'moderate')) { //check if the topic/reply is posted by another moderator, and if so unset the links if (bbp_is_topic( $id)) $author_id = bbp_get_topic_author_id( $id ) ; if (bbp_is_reply( $id)) $author_id = bbp_get_reply_author_id( $id ) ; if (bbp_get_user_role( $author_id) == 'bbp_moderator') { unset ( $links ['approve'] ); unset ( $links ['spam'] ); unset ( $links ['trash'] ); unset ( $links ['move'] ); unset ( $links ['split'] ); unset ( $links ['edit'] ); unset ( $links ['move'] ); unset ( $links ['merge'] ); unset ( $links ['close'] ); unset ( $links ['stick'] ); } } return $links ; }
just change ‘array (‘12345′,’34567′,’78945′))’ to have a list of the forum ID’s you want to check against
Thank you so much. I’ll let you know in a few weeks’ time how it goes.
Thanks for the code! I tested and it basically works well.
@ph59 if you found not working, try change
@enkoes – thanks, I’ve amended the version above 🙂
Thank you both.
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