It’s no longer being developed, has bugs, the author has taken off and no one know where he or she is, has to be manually added to your blog, causes errors on the plugins page,….
It now also has some security problems including known SQL injection vulnerabilities.
I switched from Simple:Press to BBpress.
For a WP based site, Simple:Press is far more sophisticated and more integrated that current BBpress.
The reason that made me switched is that Simple:Press is a one man project. The day Andy decides to get a life Simple:Press will be dumped (like was some of his previeous excellent plugins).
On the other hand BBpress seems to get a new second life and is a promising project. I would ad that in its current stage it is very usable and works pretty well.
I have high hopes that bbPress becomes everything that everyone wants it to be. I wish I was a coder, so I could contribute!
The same for me – right now, bbPress needs a lot to be the perfect community, but by time I’m sure it’ll be the one! And the fact, that its possible to integrate it with WordPress is great.