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Language changed without any action

  • @jetson


    Dear community,

    today my bbpress just changed its language to english and it seems like it doesn’t care about the german language file. I haven’t changed the configuration file or something else on the server. Renaming the language file didn’t show any results. Yesterday bbPress didn’t accept my template-folder, so that I had to change its name and then it worked.

    You can see, there are many strange things happening on my installation. I talked to my server host and he said everything is alright.

    I’m using bbPress 1.0 alpha, but even the stable version, which I installed on the same database, shows the same problem.

    Does anybody have an idea? Is there any database entry which contents the language settings?



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  • @fel64


    Dear individual,

    that is strange. What did you change the name of that made it work? my-templates to what, or was it the name of the forum?

    There is no such DB entry as far as I know.

    There was absolutely no change just before bb switched to english?



    Hehe, hi fel64. ;-) Thanks for your reply!

    I just put an underscore at the end of the folder name and it worked.

    Yes, there wasn’t any change before concerning my language problem. I tried to switch to the spanish language file but it doesn’t get recognized by bbpress, too. No change.



    Where can Ifind the DB entry?



    There is none. You make this setting in config.php.




    I found a solution for this problem. It’s a known bug from wordpress because of 64bit systems. Here’s the fix:

    Open “bb-includes/gettext.php” and change the following code passage to:

    // $MAGIC1 = (int)0x950412de; //bug in PHP 5
    $MAGIC1 = (int) - 1794895138;
    // $MAGIC2 = (int)0xde120495; //bug
    $MAGIC2 = (int) - 569244523;

    $this->STREAM = $Reader;
    $magic = $this->readint();
    if ($magic == ($MAGIC1 & 0xffffffff)) {
    $this->BYTEORDER = 0;
    } elseif ($magic == $MAGIC2) {
    $this->BYTEORDER = 1;
    } else {
    $this->error = 1; // not MO file
    return false;

    Source: (German)

    Then it should work!





    hi i have website and i want change the languages to Arabic how i can do that



    It’s OK to start a new topic for a new problem.

    To change the language, you need to make a change to the bb-config.php file, and you need to install the language files. There is an Arabic language file shared here:

    check out this very nice R-t-L Arabic bbPress

    To install a language file, the instructions are right in that area of bb-config.php:

    // Change this to localize bbPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BB_LANG to 'de'
    // to enable German language support.
    define('BB_LANG', '');


    You put the file (downloaded from Google Code) into the `bb-includes/languages/ directory. Then enter the name of the file here in between the single quotes for the BB_LANG constant. For Arabic, I think the file is, so your config line would be:

    define('BB_LANG', '');

    There are more files available at that site for an Arabic bbPress. It’s actually very nice that someone shared all their work. Looks like there is a localized version of bbPress there as well, possibly with more items translated that were not translatable with a language file.

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