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bbPress Version compatobility with last version of WordPress

  • @pauldamas


    WP version = 4.6.1
    bbPress version = 2.5.10

    It seems bbPress version doesn’t work with WP 4.6.1. When I activate the plugin, nothing happens !

    Do you plan an update ? When ?

    Thank you very much for your feedback !

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  • @robin-w


    It works fine on my test and live sites !



    I would agree I have it installed (from previous wp version) and now ‘forums’, ‘topics’ and ‘replies’ are missing from dashboard sidebar.

    wp 4.6.1
    bbpress 2.5.10



    Copied to staging, deactivated all other plugins and forums etc reappeared. Reactivated all plugins and forums etc. stayed up. So, some sort of custom post type prioritization issue? In any case this fixed problem, unfortunately I don’t know which plugin was the culprit.

    On a separate issue, I do notice the the topic counts don’t reset when topics are deleted.



    Just updated to 4.6.1 recently and it seems to work fine on my dev site.


    If your this was a fresh bbPress installation I would try a re-installation.

    We have some users in the forum mention similar issues while having also installed BuddyPress. Do you have BuddyPress installed as well.

    You may also have to make sure you have the plugin activated. I have seen users get confused at how the new way WordPress installs plugins with a single button and no screen change. Some people forget to wait after the loading icon goes, then the button turns into an activate button. Some users forget that and do not activate the plugin.



    I tried this :
    – de-activation of bbPress
    – des-installation of bbPress
    – re-installation of bbPress
    – re-activation of bbPress
    with the same result : no Welcome page, no additional options in the sidebar.

    I don’t have BuddyPress installed.

    But I noticed on the WP detail pop-up about bbPress : “Not tested with your WP version”.

    Thank you very much for your feedback.




    On a separate issue, I do notice the the topic counts don’t reset when topics are deleted.

    Try recounting the topics by running the nessessary repair jobs in Tools > Forums.


    If you want contact me personally and I will check on this and see if I can come up with anything.

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