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new topic/reply does NOT create buddypress activity item

  • @ying-sun


    hi. i want new topics and replies to show up in the activity stream, but right now they are not.

    i added this to bp-custom.php:

    add_post_type_support( 'topic', 'buddypress-activity' );

    which works, but with a generic “UserName wrote a new item.” it seems like there must be a better, easier way to tie the two together. looking at the bbpress files, i see this:

    public function register_activity_actions() {
    // Sitewide activity stream items
    bp_activity_set_action( $this->component, $this->topic_create, esc_html__( 'New forum topic', 'bbpress' ) );
    bp_activity_set_action( $this->component, $this->reply_create, esc_html__( 'New forum reply', 'bbpress' ) );

    i don’t know if they’re not getting called or they’re conflicting with something or what, but they aren’t doing what it seems like they should be doing. is there a setting i’m missing to activate this feature?

    little help?

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