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Upload Failed! Error was: That photo is too big. Please upload one smaller than

  • @walkerdesign1


    I am currently hosting my private member site with GoDaddy and I have recently started receiving this error. –

    Upload Failed! Error was: That photo is too big. Please upload one smaller than

    I have BuddyPress Version 2.4.3 installed in WordPress version 4.4.1.

    Does anyone know the fix for this problem?

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  • @robkk



    You will need to upload an image smaller than the max amount set on your site. You can adjust that by following this guide.
    How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

    If you are just seeing this error even though you have an image smaller than what is stated in the error notice, if the error is on the frontend on BuddyPress profile pages, contact BuddyPress in their support forums or the plugin you are using that is causing the issue on the frontend. If it is WordPress related, meaning an issue with the Media Library, post in the WordPress Support Forums.



    Thanks for the feedback Robkk.

    I am experiencing this issue within BuddyPress. It is only when I attempt to upload a profile image for the member in the Change Profile Photo.

    I have a php.ini file in the main directory that has the following settings –

    memory_limit = 256M;
    max_execution_time = 180;
    upload_max_filesize = 20M;
    post_max_size = 20M;
    max_input_vars = 3000;

    I have also set the wp-config file with this setting –

    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );

    Updating these files with these memory increases has not solved the BuddyPress Upload Failed! issue.

    Is there a configuration file in BuddyPress that needs to be updated or changed?

    Uploading images within WordPress’s media directory works great.

    Buddypress is the only place where I am experiencing the upload fail error



    This is bbPress support forum, so you better ask on the dedicated BuddyPress forum.



    Sorry for my confusion. Thanks for letting me know the difference.



    No worries 🙂
    I have less knowledge on buddypress and I want you to get help, so I prefer redirecting you there !

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