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Need help about my bbpress setup

  • @seyibest


    Hello guys, i just installed bbpress on my theme called:hadron-multi-purpose-wordpress-theme and i am using wp 4.3.1 version of wordpress and latest version of bb press as well as at 15/11/15.
    what i wan is that i want to arange my sub-forum verically instead of horizontal and also i have uploaded all the bbpress plogins such asbbpress new topic plugin,bbpress private replies,bbpress report contents,better bbpress signature. so how do i make them function?

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  • @casiepa


    For your question about ‘arange my sub-forum verically instead of horizontal’, you can add this code in a child theme or your own plugin or functions.php file (Remove the // twice if you also want to hide the counters):

    add_filter('bbp_after_list_forums_parse_args', 'bbppc_bbpress_list_forums' );
    function bbppc_bbpress_list_forums() {
    	$args['separator']        = '<br>';
    	// $args['show_topic_count'] = false;
    	// $args['show_reply_count'] = false;
    	return $args;

    For your plugins, you should activate them from your ‘Admin panels > Plugins > Installed Plugins’ and then you can start tuning the options (in most cases under ‘Admin panels > Settings’ or ‘Admin panels > Tools’.




    Thanks Casiapa for your contribution.
    The question here is; could you please explain to me how to create a child plugin for bbpres so that i can make the changes or if i can get blank bbpress child plugin will appreciate.
    i know how to create child theme for all kind of themes but i have never create plugin because if i didn’t create my own plugin for bbpress, during updates, all modifications will be a waste of time.



    Thanks man its works.
    I jut copy and paste it into my child theme function.php

    But please how do i differentiate the main forum from the subforum. i mean, is there anyway i can bolder/color the main forum from subforum?




    What exactly do you want to do ? Play with background colors ?
    If it’s a public site, please include the URL so people here can propose you things directly working on your site.




    yes. I want to change the bbpress forum and subforum background color.

    The Url:



    Hmm, nothing comes to my mind directly. Maybe with a plugin like ?

    I also saw a lot of ‘Oh bother no topics’ and other messages. You can always use my bbP Toolkit to hide those.




    Thanks Pasca, Though i am actually doing what you said above.
    Please how do i activate these plugins:
    bbPress – Private Replies
    bbPress – Report Content
    bbPress New Topics
    Better bbPress Signature
    gp bbpress attachement
    Please how do i configure these plugins to work because these features are not showing.
    Also, please hoe do i customise the forum for users to upload image of there choice?



    As said above:
    For your plugins, you should activate them from your ‘Admin panels > Plugins > Installed Plugins’ and then you can start tuning the options (in most cases under ‘Admin panels > Settings’ or ‘Admin panels > Tools’.
    If they do not work, then you need to ask on the forums of those plugins.

    For the avatars, you can start reading here:




    Thank you Pascal.
    I installed the plugin but the arrangment i made to subforum, all scattered.
    i have uninstalled it already hoping to get a better option later.

    But man, check my site you will notice the login,register,forget password on the menu bar.
    so, how do i make it to be in a place like just only Login/Register on just a menu bar like “;?

    and moreso, i made the homepage to be the forum. how can i code it in such a way that 2-3 of my post will appear on the homepage follow by the forum beneath it?

    Thanks so much man.
    you the



    @seyibest Put this loop-forums.php file in your child theme in a folder called bbpress.

    so, how do i make it to be in a place like just only Login/Register on just a menu bar like

    They added custom menu item links in the menu section. You can create links leading to the WordPress login/register forms. There is also this php code snippet here to add links, you might need to add a conditional to it for a specific menu.

    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'rkk_add_auth_links', 10 , 2 );
    function rkk_add_auth_links( $items, $args ) {
        if (is_user_logged_in() {
            $items .= '<li><a href="'. wp_logout_url() .'">Log Out</a></li>';
        elseif (!is_user_logged_in() {
            $items .= '<li><a href="'. site_url('wp-login.php') .'">Log In</a></li>';
            $items .= '<li><a href="'. site_url('wp-login.php?action=register') .'">Register</a></li>';
            $items .= '<li><a href="'. site_url('wp-login.php?action=lostpassword') .'">Lost Password</a></li>';
        return $items;

    and moreso, i made the homepage to be the forum. how can i code it in such a way that 2-3 of my post will appear on the homepage follow by the forum beneath it?

    There is a plugin called bbp style pack that can give you a shortcode to display the latest number of topics on your site. bbPress has this shortcode for the forum archive, [bbp-forum-index]



    Thanks @Robkk for the respond. but i have question about

    Put this loop-forums.php file in your child theme in a folder called bbpress.

    i only have child theme for the theme but bbprss is a plugin. are you saying i have to create a child theme for the plugin bbpress of how do i do that please?

    There is a plugin called bbp style pack that can give you a shortcode to display the latest number of topics on your site. bbPress has this shortcode for the forum archive, [bbp-forum-index]

    You said there is a plugin to display latest post, how do i get the plugin?

    Thank you so much.



    The plugin bbP Toolkit is mention on these posts.

    I’ve installed bbP Toolkit, but do not know how to access its’ settings.

    I’ve installed it on a MultiSite installation.

    Could someone give me directions to access its settings?

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